Este plugin não foi testado com os 3 lançamentos principais mais recentes do WordPress. Ele pode não ser mais mantido ou suportado e pode ter problemas de compatibilidade quando usado com versões mais recentes do WordPress.


Usage (Create Stats Page)

  1. Go to ‘WP-Admin -> Pages -> Add New’
  2. Type any title you like in the page’s title area
  3. If you ARE using nice permalinks, after typing the title, WordPress will generate the permalink to the page. You will see an ‘Edit’ link just beside the permalink.
  4. Click ‘Edit’ and type in ‘stats’ in the text field (without the quotes) and click ‘Save’.
  5. Type [page_stats] in the page’s content area
  6. Click ‘Publish’
  7. If you ARE NOT using nice permalinks, you need to go to WP-Admin -> Settings -> Stats and under ‘Stats URL’, you need to fill in the URL to the Stats Page you created above.

Usage (With Widget)

  1. Go to WP-Admin -> Appearance -> Widgets
  2. The widget name is Stats.

Build Status





Eu passo a maior parte do meu tempo livre na criação, atualização, manutenção e suporte desses plugins, se você realmente ama meus plugins e pode me enviar alguns dólares, eu realmente aprecio isso. Mas do contrário, sinta-se livre para usá-los sem quaisquer obrigações.

Capturas de tela

  • Admin – Dashboard
  • Admin – Options
  • Admin – Widget
  • Stats Page
  • Stats Sidebar


2 novembro, 2016
Worked right away. Should be very informative for heavy bloggers. I don´t see a reason nor and argument for the 1 star reviews. Rate it 5 stars.
3 setembro, 2016
Plugin works until you try to modify the settings. Author refuses to do his due diligence to fix the problems.
3 setembro, 2016
I don’t understand previous bad reviews on that plugin as it works fine. It’s very simple and informative, so I recommend it to everyone.
Leia todas as 7 avaliações

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

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Interessado no desenvolvimento?

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Registro de alterações

Version 2.56

  • NEW: WordPress 5.5 only because of comment_type changes

Version 2.55

  • FIXED: Notices

Version 2.54

  • FIXED: Akismet_Admin class not found

Version 2.53

  • FIXED: Notices in Widget Constructor for WordPress 4.3

Version 2.52

  • FIXED: Added nonce field and esc_url() to fix XSS. Props HSASec-Team.

Version 2.51

  • NEW: Supports WordPress Multisite Network Activation
  • NEW: Uses WordPress native uninstall.php

Version 2.50 (01-06-2009)

  • NEW: Works For WordPress 2.8
  • NEW: Update PageNavi Function Names
  • NEW: Added Most Commented Pages
  • NEW: Use _n() Instead Of __ngettext() And _n_noop() Instead Of __ngettext_noop()
  • NEW: Uses New Widget Class From WordPress
  • NEW: Merge Widget Code To wp-stats.php And Remove wp-stats-widget.php
  • FIXED: Uses $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’] With plugin_basename(FILE) Instead Of Just $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]
  • FIXED: Recent Comments Now Include Comments Posted In Pages