Este plugin não foi testado com os 3 lançamentos principais mais recentes do WordPress. Ele pode não ser mais mantido ou suportado e pode ter problemas de compatibilidade quando usado com versões mais recentes do WordPress.

Word's Content


This plugin helps you mark any word in your post and add some engaging content to it.
With this plugin —
* You can explain your words better than ever before.
* Add highlighting points to validate your facts, add a supporting story to a scenario or an image gallery.
* With advanced support for shortcodes, you can add related posts, related products, offers — everything that you can imagine.
* Support for Contact Form 7 makes it easy to get direct leads from almost every single page.
* Increase engagement, reduce bounce rate, increase leads through your blog.


  • Vue.js For Fast Rendering– The plugin uses Vue.js for the rendering logic. The sidebar renders almost instantaneously once the data is received. Caching of ajax responses helps ensure that a ajax call is made only once in the frontend.
  • Support for shortcodes– The content of the words is rendered in the same way a post content is rendered. This allows you to put the same content on the sidebar that you can put on your page or post.
  • Preview as you type– Word Preview is available in the Add, Edit , List page, which makes it easy to see your output while you create the word.
    > Note: Sidebar’s content inherits css of the page, the preview at the backend page will differ from that in the fontend.
  • Support For Contact Form 7– The plugin also supports CF7 scripts. This allows you to put contact form 7 in any word’s content and get leads within any page/post.

Future Plan

  • Improve Vue.js part of code.
  • Add support for page builder like Visual Composer, Elementor etc.
  • International language support.
  • Add unit test for both js and php code.
  • Setup a build process in GitHub for public contribution.

Capturas de tela

  • Words Content list page.
  • Creating a new word.
  • Preview in Admin Page.
  • Settings page.
  • Demo page.
  • Markup in Frontend.
  • Sidebar Frontend.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Follow plugin installation guidelines
  2. Activate Word's Content by thekt12 plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. In the menu you will now see Word's Content menu. Go to Word's Content page and click on the Add New to add a new word.
  4. You can add a group of words or a single word. The word will be saved as lower case in database, though all instance of the word is scanned in the fontend irrespective of the case.
  5. You can find Word's Content settings page inside ,Word's content menu.
  6. In setting page you can change the number of repetition of a word to be marked, footer content of the sidebar and also custom css field(if you wish to change to look of the current sidebar).

Perguntas frequentes

Is it there on git

It will soon be, with proper build process in place.

Which Post Types are supported?

All public post types are supported. It can also scan descriptions of WooCommerce and other plugin which uses custom post type. This make it a very use powerful tool for creating user engagement strategies.
You can also restrict any post type from being scanned from the settings page.


17 setembro, 2018
This plugin has some great possible uses. You just have to be creative. The developer is keen and responds promptly to fix any bugs you might find. He is also working on expanding some of the options. It was easy to change colours using css. I used this plugin on a client site and they are really happy with it.
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“Word's Content” é um programa de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.
