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FluentSMTP – Plugin WP SMTP com Amazon SES, SendGrid, MailGun, Postmark, Google e qualquer outro provedor SMTP

FluentSMTP – Plugin WP SMTP com Amazon SES, SendGrid, MailGun, Postmark, Google e qualquer outro provedor SMTP


Plugin WordPress Mail SMTP para qualquer serviço de e-mail

Are you having problems with your WordPress emails not sending? Or do you want to set what email address they are sent from? This plugin will solve all your email deliverability problems. FluentSMTP is the ultimate WP Mail Plugin that connects with your Email Service Provider natively and makes sure your emails are delivered 💯.

Our goal is to send your WordPress emails fast, secure, and have them reach the inbox.

Fluent SMTP plugin fixes your email delivery issue by connecting WordPress Mail with your email service providers. These integrations are native, so it will send the emails superfast.

Connect as many email Service Providers as you want, and FluentSMTP will route your transactional and marketing emails automatically. This is one of the unique features that FluentSMTP has to offer.

Por que o FluentSMTP é gratuito?

The FluentSMTP plugin is 100% free and open source. We will never monetize it. It’s a part of our “Five for the Future” participation, an initiative started by the WordPress Foundation.
Our parent company WPManageNinja LLC builds products for WordPress businesses and has a very stable business model. We want to give back to the community, and FluentSMTP is part of that.

🎉 Conexões de serviços de e-mail suportados

  • Amazon SES
  • Gmail OAuth
  • Google Workspace OAuth
  • Outlook OAuth
  • SendGrid
  • Mailgun
  • Brevo (Sendinblue)
  • Pepipost
  • Postmark
  • Zoho ZeptoMail (TransMail)
  • SparkPost
  • Elastic Mail
  • Zoho via SMTP
  • Qualquer provedor de e-mail SMTP
  • Outras integrações nativas em breve

🎉 Recursos do Fluent SMTP

Fluent SMTP is the fastest and most advanced WordPress Mail SMTP plugin on the market. We crafted this plugin for speed, reliability and scalability.

  • Entrega de e-mails em tempo real
  • Roteamento de e-mails para múltiplas conexões de e-mail
  • Conecte com qualquer provedor de serviços de e-mail
  • Fallback Email Connection
  • Registro de e-mails
  • Reenvio de e-mails
  • Relatórios detalhados
  • Interface super rápida desenvolvida com tecnologia VueJS

Most importantly, this plugin is free and will always be free.
👉 Read why it’s 100% free (always) 👈

Como o Fluent SMTP funciona?

Fluent SMTP improves your WordPress mail by intercepting wp_mail calls, and then connecting with your email service providers to ensure deliverability. It uses a direct email service API to send emails faster and securely. It means emails are sent using the provider’s direct API. For your native SMTP connections, it uses the proper host, port, and credentials to send your WP mails.

Registro e depuração de e-mails

Fluent SMTP optionally logs your emails, so at any time you can check to see your site health. You can also resend your failed emails, or resend any previous emails from email logs.

🎉 Amazon SES (Conexão API Nativa)

With Fluent SMTP SES Connection, you get the powerful, low-cost, high deliverability managed infrastructure from Amazon. With the support of Fluent SMTP, it’s super easy to set up and configure Amazon SES API and send all your WordPress emails. The integration is with amazon’s latest SES API so your emails will be delivered faster and the right way.

Fluent SMTP optimizes the API connection so it creates CURL-Tunneling to send your emails even faster. With Amazon SES connection, You can send emails faster than any other plugins.

🎉 Gmail ou Google Workspace (Conexão de API nativa)

Fluent SMTP – WP Mail Plugin provides you options to connect with your Gmail or Google Workspace emails and send emails over their API. It’s fast and secure.

🎉 Conexão com a API de e-mail SendGrid

SendGrid is the leading email sending service provider. You can rely on their globally distributed, cloud-based architecture for sending your WordPress Emails.

With Fluent SMTP, You can set up your SendGrid email service connection API in less than a minute. With this direct API connection, send your WordPress Mails fast and secure way.

Read about SendGrid connection documentation here

🎉 Conexão com a API de e-mail Mailgun

Mailgun is another leading email sending service provider and trusted by 225,000+ businesses. You can rely on their globally distributed, cloud-based architecture for sending your WordPress Emails.

Get your message to the right person at the right time with global infrastructure and industry expertise you can rely on.

With Fluent SMTP connection, You can set up your Mailgun email service connection in less than a minute. This is also a direct API connection so it’s faster than their SMTP connection.

Read about Mailgun connection documentation here

🎉 Conexão com a API de e-mail Sendinblue

Sendinblue is a platform for growing businesses and it has a great transactional email service. They serve more than 80,000 companies around the world and send millions of emails every day.

If you use Sendinblue then with the help of Fluent SMTP, You can easily connect with its API and send Your WordPress emails via an API connection.

Read about Sendinblue connection documentation here

🎉 Conexão com a API de e-mail Pepipost

Pepipost is a complete sending partner with a user-friendly dashboard and many extensive functions such as statistics and real-time information.

With Fluent SMTP connection, You can set up your Pepipost email service connection in less than a minute. With a direct API connection so it’s faster than their SMTP connection.

Read about Pepipost API connection documentation here

🎉 Conexão com a API de e-mail SparkPost

SparkPost is a great email sending service with lots of analytics features.
With Fluent SMTP, You can set up your SparkPost email service connection with your WordPress in less than a minute.

Read about SparkPost connection documentation here

🎉 Elastic Email API Connection

Elastic Email is a great solution for sending transactional and marketing emails with a user-friendly dashboard and many extensive functions such as statistics and real-time information. Fluent SMTP plugin is fully compatible with their official API and you can use it to send your WordPress emails via Elastic Email

🎉 Outlook or Office365 API Connection

Fluent SMTP provides you options to connect with your Outlook or Office 365 emails and send emails over their API. It’s fast and secure. Using oAuth2 authentication system for the connection, You can easily setup the connection and send your emails with Office 365 / Outlook emails.

Read the documentation for connecting Office 365 Email with WordPress

🎉 Outros serviços SMTP

Fluent SMTP plugin works with all major email services that offer SMTP connections such as Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft Live, Zoho Mail, YandexMail, and any other email sending services.

Você pode definir as seguintes configurações:

  • Especificar um servidor SMTP.
  • Especificar uma porta SMTP.
  • Escolher o tipo de criptografia.
  • Escolher entre usar ou não a autenticação SMTP.
  • Especificar o nome e a senha do usuário SMTP.
  • É isso! 💯

Conheça a documentação da conexão SMTP aqui (em inglês)


  • Construído com VueJS como uma aplicação de página única.
  • Interface super rápida e enxuta, para que qualquer pessoa possa usar sem curva de aprendizado.
  • Painel de controle super moderno com tabelas, gráficos e estatísticas para mostrar como os envios de e-mails estão indo.

🚀 Roteamento automático de e-mails 🚀

With Fluent SMTP’s unique multiple connection driver features, You can add as many email connections as you want. Based on your From Email Address, Fluent SMTP will route your emails to the appropriate email driver and send them securely. This is one of the unique and useful features that Fluent SMTP offers.

Now, you can route your transactional emails with one connection and marketing emails with another connection.

🚀 Registros de e-mails e relatórios 🚀

Do you want to know how many and which emails your site is sending? Fluent SMTP got you covered. With powerful and super-fast email reporting and logs, you can easily view your WordPress emails. You can also view charts and graphs about your daily email stats. Also, you can resend any emails anytime you want. This is super helpful for storing emails for your records, auditing outgoing emails, and debugging during site development.

Optionally, You can turn off this feature, and then only failed emails will be logged so you can take a look. Fluent SMTP uses a custom database table so your WordPress tables will not be bloated (we care).

🚀 Real-time Notifications on Email Failures via Telegram, Slack, and Discord 🚀

Fluent SMTP has a unique feature that will notify you in real-time if any email fails to send. You can set up your Telegram, Slack, or Discord channel and Fluent SMTP will send you a notification if any email fails to send. This is super helpful for debugging and monitoring your site’s email health.

🚀 Segurança 🚀

Fluent SMTP is built by professionals and security and scalability in mind. Fluent SMTP provides several options for you to keep your email sending secure and safe.

  • Capacidade de armazenar suas credenciais SMTP/API no wp-config.php.
  • Capacidade de excluir automaticamente registros de e-mails antigos.
  • Fluent SMTP conecta seus provedores de serviços de e-mail diretamente via API.

= 🚀Plain-Text Support with HTML Email on the fly 🚀=
FluentSMTP will automatically convert your HTML email to Plain-Text email on the fly. Then it will send your emails with multi-part mime type. This is super helpful for email deliverability and spam score. Please make sure, you activate that from the settings.

👉 Créditos 👈

Fluent SMTP is built by WPManageNinja LLC. And yes, It’s built by the creator of popular plugins like FluentForms, FluentCRM, Ninja Tables.

Fluent SMTP is a 100% free and open source plugin and we will never release a pro version. This does not mean that it lacks features. Our aim is to provide the ultimate SMTP/Email Service connection plugin for your WordPress Mails. We wrote an article about why we made this plugin and our plans for Fluent SMTP.

The full source code is hosted on GitHub and you are welcome to contribute to the development of this awesome WP Mail Plugin.
👉 View on GitHub 👈

Compatível com..

Easy Migration from WP Mail SMTP by WPForms

If you currently using WP Mail SMTP by WPForms plugin and want to migrate to FluentSMTP then that is super easy. Within few seconds you are migrated.

  • Just install FluentSMTP plugin to your site.
  • Go to Settings -> FluentSMTP.
  • It will automatically show previous configuration from “WP Mail SMTP by WPForms”.
  • Click “Import From WP Mail SMTP” button and that’s it.
  • Disable “WP Mail SMTP by WPForms” and enjoy FluentSMTP.

Once Click Migration from Easy WP SMTP

If you currently using Easy WP SMTP plugin and want to migrate to FluentSMTP then that is super easy. Within a few seconds you are migrated from “Easy WP SMTP”.

  • Just install FluentSMTP plugin to your site.
  • Go to Settings -> FluentSMTP.
  • It will automatically show previous configuration from “Easy WP SMTP”.
  • Click “Import From Easy WP SMTP” button and that’s it.
  • Disable “Easy WP SMTP” and enjoy FluentSMTP.

O que vem a seguir

Se você gostou deste plugin, então considere conhecer nossos outros plugins:

Capturas de tela

  • Painel do FluentSMTP
  • Configurando uma conexão
  • Visão geral das configurações
  • Enviando e-mail de teste
  • Registro de e-mails
  • Visualizar e-mail a partir dos registros


  1. Instale o plugin FluentSMTP através do repositório de plugins do WordPress.org ou fazendo o envio dos arquivos para o seu servidor.
  2. Ative o FluentSMTP.
  3. Navegue até a área Configurações do Fluent SMTP no painel de administração do WordPress.
  4. Selecione o tipo de conexão SMTP que deseja utilizar (Mailgun SMTP, SendGrid SMTP, Amazon SES ou outro SMTP) e siga as instruções de configuração.
  5. Precisa de mais ajuda? Obtenha suporte em WPManageNinja Support (em inglês).

Perguntas frequentes

Com esse plugin posso enviar e-mails do WordPress via SMTP?

Sim, o objetivo do FluentSMTP é fazer o envio dos seus e-mails do WordPress de forma segura e rápida.

Posso conectar a Amazon SES API com o FluentSMTP?

Sim, o FluentSMTP permite a integração nativa através da chave de API Amazon SES e Chave Secreta. Além disso, nós otimizamos essa conexão via API para que os envios sejam ainda mais rápidos.

Posso salvar as credenciais do meu serviço de e-mail no arquivo wp-config.php?

Sim, quando você configura a conexão é possível escolher como armazenar suas credenciais. Você pode salvá-las no banco de dados ou no arquivo wp-config.php (recomendado).

Posso utilizar o SendGrid para enviar os e-mails?

Yes, FluentSMTP let you connect your SendGrid via API. It’s faster and reliable than SendGrid SMTP. But if you prefer SendGrid SMTP connection, You can also connect with that too.

Posso enviar e-mails do WordPress com Mailgun?

Yes, FluentSMTP let you connect your Mailgun via API Key. It’s faster and reliable than Mailgun SMTP. But if you prefer Mailgun SMTP connection, You can also connect with that too.

Posso enviar e-mails do WordPress com Sendinblue?

Yes, FluentSMTP let you connect your Sendinblue email sending service via API Key. It’s faster and reliable. But if you prefer Sendinblue SMTP connection, You can also connect with that too.

Posso utilizar o SparkPost para enviar os e-mails?

Sim, o FluentSMTP permite a integração com seu serviço de envios de e-mail da SparkPost utilizando uma chave de API.

Posso enviar e-mails do WordPress com Pepipost?

Yes, FluentSMTP let you connect your Pepipost email sending service via secure API Key.

Sou desenvolvedor, onde posso contribuir com esse projeto?

Muito obrigado, somos verdadeiramente gratos pela sua disposição. Confira nosso repositório no github para mais detalhes.

Encontrei um erro, onde posso reportar?

Basta acessar nosso portal de suporte (em inglês) e relatar o problema. Se você é um desenvolvedor, crie um tópico no github.

I found a security issue, where can I report it?

We use Patchstack to manage our security report. Please report in the patchstack page.


17 janeiro, 2025 1 resposta
Решила написать на русском, потому что вряд ли я смогу передать столь душевное ревью на английском. Честно, я мучилась с настройкой почты на сайте несколько недель. За это время я перепробовала кучу плагинов, испортила себе нервы, потратила часы и даже заболела гриппом. Две недели я лежала больная, но даже тогда продолжала пытаться разобраться. И снова мучилась. Я уже думала, что проблема во мне — что у меня кривые руки, неправильный мозг, а может, и хостинг никуда не годится. Даже звёзды на небе, казалось, были против меня. Но когда я уже почти сдалась, я нашла этот плагин. 3 минуты! Три минуты, и всё заработало. Простая настройка, понятный интерфейс, никакого лишнего — только результат. Разработчики, вы просто спасли меня! Вы сэкономили мои нервы, время и вернули мне веру в людей и технологии. Вы заслуживаете не только все звёзды на платформе, но и отдельной награды за то, что делаете мир лучше.
10 janeiro, 2025
I’ve used other plugins which ask you to upgrade. This one works really well for cpanel e-mail. Settings is much easier and faster than other SMTP plugins. Yuge thank you to the developers. The worst part about the other plugins is, the free version doesn’t work. One needs to subscribe to other services like Brevo to make it work. Then the plugin and the other services constantly ask you to upgrade. For a marketing guy like me, it’s a turn off.
Leia todas as 277 avaliações

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“FluentSMTP – Plugin WP SMTP com Amazon SES, SendGrid, MailGun, Postmark, Google e qualquer outro provedor SMTP” é um programa de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


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Interessado no desenvolvimento?

Navegue pelo código, consulte o repositório SVN ou assine o registro de desenvolvimento por RSS.

Registro de alterações

2.2.83 (Date: Nov 22, 2024)

  • Fix unserialize parameter issue

2.2.82 (Date: Nov 22, 2024)

  • Security: Data Un-serialization issue fixed
  • Sparkpost Recipient Issue fixed

2.2.81 (Date: Oct 20, 2024)

  • Security: Nonce Verification fixed for slack REQUEST (props to patchstack)
  • Fixed WooCommerce Emailing Issue fixed when enabled text mode
  • Fixed Translation issues
  • Custom Header support for Postmark

2.2.80 (Date: July 02, 2024)

  • Added Plain Text Support: Convert HTML Emails to Plain Text and send as multi-part email
  • Improved Translations
  • Improved Internal Code Base

2.2.73 (Date: Apr 25, 2024)

  • Compatibility with PHP 8.X
  • Added Day of the time sending chart

2.2.72 (Date: Mar 16, 2024)

  • Compatibility with PHP 8.4
  • Fix Slack Notification Issue

2.2.71 (Date: Jan 01, 2024

  • Hot Fix: Fixing the issue with Input Fields

2.2.7 (Date: Jan 01, 2024)

  • Added RealTime Email Failure Notification via Telegram / Slack / Discord
  • Added Option to add additional email addresses for Amazon SES
  • UI Improvements

2.2.6 (Date: Oct 01, 2023)

  • Enable Encryption for All SMTP Connections Keys
  • Migrate SendInBlue API to Brevo API
  • Improved Plugin Conflict Detection and auto fix
  • Fixed UI conflict with Other Plugins

2.2.5 (Date: Jul 06, 2023)

  • (Security Fix) Email subject is now sanitized and escaped when preview
  • Showing Server Response by default on log
  • Fix http_build_query issue for latest version of PHP
  • Improved UI & UX for email preview

2.2.4 (Date: Feb 04, 2023)

  • Email preview is now sanitized
  • you can now define FLUENTMAIL_SIMULATE_EMAILS to simulate emails programtically
  • Fixed outlook API connection issues
  • Fixed inline documentation links
  • UX improvements

2.2.2 (Date: Nov 11, 2022)

  • Fix vendor Conflict for Google/Gmail Connection
  • UI Improvement on Connection Wizard

2.2.1 (Date: Nov 08, 2022)

  • Refactored Google API integration
  • Fix encoding issues for Outlook API connection
  • ElasticEmail Attachment issues fixed
  • Fixed digest email esc_* issues
  • Added contributors to the plugin’s about page.
  • UI&UX Improvements

2.2.0 (Date: Aug 21, 2022)

  • Added Elastic Mail API
  • PHP 8.0 & 8.1 compatibility
  • UI Improvements

2.1.2 (Date: July 05, 2022)

  • Google/Gmail API Upgrade
  • UI Improvements

2.1.1 (Date: March 12, 2022)

  • Improved Email Logging Screen
  • Improved UI and Settings
  • Fixed auto-delete old email logs

2.1.0 (Date: October 24, 2021)

  • Fix Cron Issues
  • PHP 8.0 Compatibility issue fixed
  • Multiple Connection UX improvement
  • Ability to remove from email and name hook via filter

2.0.2 (Date: September 21, 2021)

  • Fixed Scheduled Database Cleanup
  • Improvement on wp_mail loading and sending emails
  • Pepipost Driver Improvement
  • SendGrid Driver Improvement
  • SendinBlue Drive Improvement

2.0.1 (Date: July 28, 2021)

  • Added Postmark API Connection
  • Fix Dashboard Stat Number
  • Fix Sanitization Issue

2.0.0 (Date: July 27, 2021)

  • Added Outlook / Office 365 API Connection
  • Improvements of Amazon SES Connection
  • Ability to disable force From Email for supported connections
  • Added Fallback Connection feature
  • Added One-Click migration from WP Mail SMTP Plugin
  • Added One-Click migration from WP Easy SMTP Plugin
  • UI Improvements
  • Added nonce and sanitization for connection inputs

1.2.0 (Date: May 26, 2021)

  • Added Gmail and Google Workspace API Connection
  • Added Built-in Docs
  • UI Improvements
  • PHP 8 compatibility issue fixed
  • Bulk Send Emails from logs
  • Adicionado simulador de e-mail
  • Correção da Amazon API

1.1.1 (Date: April 26, 2021)

  • Database Warning Issue Fixed

1.1.0 (Date: April 25, 2021)

  • Fix Error Handling Issues
  • DataBase Query Optimizations
  • Amazon SES Connection Optimization
  • UI Improvement
  • VueJS loading improvements

1.0.1 (Date: January 24, 2021)

  • Fix UTF-8 issues
  • Sendinblue wp-config constant issue fixed
  • Fallback from name issue fixed
  • Search for Email Logs has been fixed

1.0.0 (Date: January 18, 2021)

  • Lançamento inicial
  • 349 git commits so far
  • 698 cup of coffee (Just kidding, We lost count)
  • Work of 3 Months
  • Let’s Make Email Sending Easier!