Advanced Ads – Gerenciador de Anúncios e AdSense


The ultimate ad management plugin for WordPress

Advanced Ads is the most comprehensive ad management tool available. It strikes the perfect balance between ease of use and powerful features, trusted by thousands of companies and businesses.

We took the pain out of advertising and made it easy to embed ads, banners, or any other code automatically—all within minutes and without the need for theme file editing. If you are looking for the best plugin for ad management, you have found it.

Manual | Support | Demo | Premium Features

  • Usability: Clearly structured interface • Smart workflows for fluid day-to-day operations
  • Functionality: Setting the gold standard for the market with outstanding features
  • Compatibility: All ad networks • Dedicated integrations with loads of popular plugins and themes
  • Expertise: Fast and top-rated support • Approved in publishing and ad optimization since 2009
  • Reputation: Recommended by Google • Fully compliant with Google AdSense policies

Would you like to know if there is a certain feature, what the optimized setup would be, or how to implement your client’s demands? Just open a thread in the forum!

É isso que nossos usuários estão dizendo sobre o Advanced Ads:

We use this plugin to deliver rotating ads on a community news site, and it’s great. We’ve delivered over a million ad impressions since we launched less than a year ago, using a combination of sidebar, top, sticky and in-content placements — both HTML5 and images. Advanced Ads makes it easy for our small team to deliver a good experience to our users and our advertisers.
mytown304 on

Advanced Ads allowed our founder to grow from 0 to 100 MM monthly ad impressions. Benefit from our experience as publishers and monetize your website today!

Premium Features

This plugin is the lite version of the Advanced Ads plugin that comes with all the features you will ever need to optimize your ads and increase your revenues, including performance tracking, advanced ad targeting, split tests, click fraud protection, lazy loading, background ads, popups and sticky ads, full AMP support, adblocker detection, the most comfortable Google Ad Manager integration, and tons more. Click here to purchase the best premium WordPress ad management plugin now!

Full Feature List

ad management

  • create and display unlimited ad units
  • ad rotation
  • schedule ads and set start time and expiration date
  • target ads by content and user groups
  • inject ads into posts and pages automatically without coding

tipos de anúncio

Choose between different ad types that enable you to:

  • insert ads and banners from all ad and affiliate networks (e.g., Google AdSense, Amazon Affiliate Program, BuySellAds, Google Ad Manager (formerly Google DoubleClick for Publishers, DFP), Ezoic,,, Tradedoubler, Awin, Getyourguide, The Moneytizer, Infolinks…)
  • dedicated support for all types of Google AdSense ads, including text and display ads, native ads (In-article, In-feed, Multiplex ads), Auto ads, and Auto ads for AMP
  • exibir imagens e banners de imagem
  • crie anúncios ricos em conteúdo com o editor TinyMCE do WordPress
  • insert contextual Amazon Native Shopping Ads
  • inject HTML, CSS, Javascript or PHP code
  • use shortcodes within ads (to also deliver advertisements from another ad plugin like Ad Inserter, AdRotate, Quick AdSense, Ads for WP, or the Google AdSense Plugin WP QUADS)

display ads for WordPress

  • auto-inject ads via placements
  • use functions to display ads in template files
  • use shortcodes to place ads manually in post content
  • mostrar anúncios na barra lateral e em widgets
  • disable all ads on specific pages
  • display multiple ads (ad grids)
  • display a customizable ad label, e.g., “Advertisements” above each banner ad

condições de exibição

Show ads based on content. List of all display conditions

  • posts individuais, páginas e outros tipos de post
  • posts by category, tags, taxonomies, author, and age
  • páginas de arquivo por categoria, tags, taxonomias
  • tipos de páginas especiais como 404, anexos e página principal
  • posts and pages by contained keywords (keyword targeting) or URL parameters, included in Advanced Ads Pro
  • ocultar anúncios em consultas secundárias (ex: posts em barras laterais)
  • exibir ou ocultar banners dentro do feed de posts
  • hide all ads from specific page types, e.g., 404 pages, feed
  • ocultar anúncios de bots e web crawlers

condições para visitantes

Serve ads by conditions based on the visitor. List of all visitor conditions

  • display or hide a banner by device: mobile, tablet, or desktop
  • display or hide a banner by role and for logged-in visitors
  • advanced visitor conditions: geolocation, previously visited URL (referrer), user capability, browser language, browser, and browser width included in Advanced Ads Pro

Plugin fantástico e suporte excelente
Eu tentei pelo menos três outros plugins de anúncios para WordPress e o “Advanced Ads” é de longe o melhor. Por último, mas não menos importante, o suporte. Como ponto de partida, tem vários tutoriais excelentes. E, finalmente o suporte individual, não sei como ele faz isso, mas a velocidade e a profundidade das respostas são absolutamente incríveis.
djsawyer on

inserção de anúncio | colocações

Localizações para inserção de anúncios em posições pré-definidas em seu tema e conteúdo. Lista de todas os localizações

  • ads after any given paragraph, headline, image, or other HTML element
  • anúncios acima ou abaixo do conteúdo do post
  • anúncios antes de fechar a tag </head>
  • anúncios no rodapé
  • Page peel banners
  • create split tests and A/B testing
  • many more ad positions with add-ons
  • automatic insertion of any kind of footer and header code, not only advertising
  • use the ad server placement to display ads on other sites

dispositivos móveis

  • target ads to mobile devices, or tablets, or desktops
  • display responsive image ads
  • ads only for specific browser sizes using Advanced Ads Pro
  • insert ads on AMP pages with AMP Ads

Google AdSense

Recursos incríveis do plugin mais poderoso e fácil do Google AdSense.

  • unlimited Google AdSense ads banners
  • pull ad units directly from your Google AdSense account
  • mostrar receita do AdSense no painel do WP
  • change settings of your Google AdSense ads directly from your WordPress backend
  • supports all Google AdSense ad types, including Google AdSense display ads, native ads like In-feed ads, In-article ads, Multiplex ads, Google AdSense Auto ads, and Google AdSense Auto ads for AMP
  • change the type and sizes of AdSense ads without going into your Google AdSense account
  • ocultar anúncios do Google AdSense em 404 páginas por padrão (para cumprir com os termos do Google AdSense)
  • insert Google AdSense code for verification and AdSense Auto Ads
  • enable AdSense Auto ads on AMP
  • integração fácil com o Ad Health e verificações de violação do Google AdSense
  • option to remove the Google AdSense background color
  • place Google AdSense In-feed ads using the also free In-feed add-on
  • assistant for exact sizes of responsive Google AdSense ads with the AMP Ads add-on
  • convert Google AdSense ads into AMP ads automatically with the AMP Ads add-on
  • ads.txt gerado automaticamente com as informações corretas do Google AdSense
  • works along with Google Site Kit or can replace it if you want to control your ad placements

Como o j4ckson185, existem milhares de usuários felizes do AdSense:

Seu aplicativo é incrível, parabéns! O Google Adsense sugere em seu site oficial o uso do seu aplicativo, isso é incrível!


  • generates an ads.txt with custom content
  • adiciona o conteúdo do AdSense ao ads.txt automaticamente


bloqueador de anúncios

  • basic features to prevent ads from being removed by AdBlock and other ad blockers
  • previne que bloqueadores de anúncios quebrem sites onde os scripts do plugin estão rodando
  • ad blocking detection: show alternative content to ad block users with Advanced Ads Pro and improve the monetization of your website

Saiba mais na página do plugin.

Thank you for motivating us with your positive review.

Localizations: Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese

If you have problems with Advanced Ads, please open a new topic in our forums on, or reach out to our premium support, if you have an active license.


Advanced Ads integrates with plenty of other plugins:

Imagens de tela

  • Localizações que permitem que você insira anúncios em qualquer lugar em seu site sem codificação (7 no Advanced Ads + 14 através de complementos).
  • Support for all kinds of tipos de anúncio, including dedicated AdSense types. AMP is included in the AMP Ads add-on.
  • Flexible ad input with the Plain Text ad type and code highlighting.
  • Alinhe seus anúncios dentro do conteúdo.
  • Dynamically change AdSense ad options in your WordPress backend.
  • Choose where to display your ads using many conditions.
  • Use various conditions to choose who should see ads (basic plugin and more in add-ons).
  • Veja os ganhos do AdSense no seu painel do WP
  • Track impressions and clicks (Tracking add-on).
  • Convert AdSense ads into AMP automatically (AMP Ads add-on)


Este plugin disponibiliza 1 bloco.

  • Advanced Ads – Ad Manager & AdSense


Como instalar o plugin e fazê-lo funcionar?

Usando o painel do WordPress

  1. Navegue até o ‘Adicionar Novo’ no painel de plugins
  2. Pesquise por ‘advanced ads’
  3. Clique em “Instalar agora”
  4. Ative o Advanced Ads no painel do Plugin

Enviar pelo painel do WordPress

  1. Navegue até o ‘Adicionar Novo’ no painel de plugins
  2. Navegue até a área de ‘Uploads’
  3. Selecione o do seu computador
  4. Clique em “Instalar agora”
  5. Ative o Advanced Ads no painel do Plugin

Usando FTP

  1. Baixe o arquivo
  2. Descompacte o diretório de advanced-ads para o seu computador
  3. Faça upload da pasta advanced-ads para o diretório /wp-content/plugins/
  4. Ative o Advanced Ads no painel do Plugin


How to put ads on WordPress?

You can use Advanced Ads to insert ads into your WordPress site without any coding.

To get started, just take a look at

What about my users’ privacy and GDPR?

The plugin comes with Privacy settings that help you gather consent from users before showing ads to them. The feature works for any ads managed with the plugin, including AdSense Auto ads.

Once you enable one of the Privacy options, Advanced Ads blocks ads that need consent until it is given. You can disable that check for individual ads as well (e.g., for image ads).
You can also deliver non-personalized AdSense ads when that is legally allowed in your area.

Advanced Ads itself does neither save personal information (e.g., an IP address) in your database nor cookies in the visitor’s browser.

You can learn more about how Advanced Ads and its add-ons handles data and privacy of your visitors on this page.

Quais redes de anúncios são suportadas?

Advanced Ads is compatible with all ad networks and banners from affiliate programs like AWin, Google AdSense, Chitika, Clickbank, Amazon, and also Google Ad Manager (formerly Google DoubleClick for Publishers, DFP),

Você também pode usá-lo para inserir tags de rede adicionais do anúncio no cabeçalho ou rodapé do seu site sem codificação.

AdSense has even a dedicated ad type leveling the specific options this ad network provides.

Funções do PHP e shortcodes

Você pode usar funções e shortcodes para exibir anúncios e grupos de anúncios.

Os números neste exemplo são os IDs dos elementos.

Use estes shortcodes para inserir um anúncio ou grupo no seu post/página.

[the_ad id="24"]
[the_ad_group id="5"]

Use estas funções para inserir um anúncio ou grupo de anúncios no seu arquivo modelo.

<?php the_ad(24); ?>
<?php the_ad_group(5); ?>

Além de exibir anúncios e grupos diretamente, você pode definir localizações de anúncios e atribuir um anúncio ou grupo a elas.

[the_ad_placement id="header-left"]
<?php the_ad_placement('header-left'); ?>

Existe uma participação na receita?

Não há participação na receita. Advanced Ads não altera seus códigos de anúncios de forma que você ganhe menos do que você ganharia diretamente, incluindo o código do anúncio no seu modelo.

Can I place ads directly in my theme files?

Yes. I would add a “Manual” placement into your theme files. It would allow you to change the displayed ads or groups later without changing your code again.

Does it work with other ad plugins?

Yes. Advanced Ads can be combined with other ad plugins.
Just use their shortcodes in our “Rich Media” ad type to combine both features.
Works with AdRotate, Ad Inserter, Ad Injection, Quick AdSense, Quick AdSense Reloaded (WPQUADS), Simple Ads Manager, and other plugins.
Advanced Ads can be used along Google Site Kit or replace it if you need more control over your ad setup.

Is the plugin compatible with PHP 8?

Yes, Advanced Ads supports current PHP versions and has been successfully tested on servers running PHP 8.

O plugin é compatível com construtores site?

Yes. It works out of the box with all site builders that allow shortcodes or widgets, like Elementor, Divi, SiteOrigin, Beaver Builder, Nimble Page Builder, Pagelayer, and others.
There is also a free add-on to support the WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer).

Os anúncios aparecerão para usuários com bloqueadores de anúncio?

Visitors who have any ad blocker (e.g., AdBlock Plus) enabled won’t see ads from known external sources (e.g., AdSense).
You can still monetize those spots with custom content.

Read more about ad blockers and the features Advanced Ads has to deal with them on this page.

Does the plugin support an ads.txt?

O Google AdSense e algumas outras redes solicitam que você forneça um ads.txt.
Advanced Ads podem criar esse arquivo automaticamente com as informações corretas do AdSense, quando você habilita o recurso ads.txt em Advanced Ads > Configurações > Gera l> ads.txt e insira seu ID de editor do AdSense em Anúncios avançados > Configurações > AdSense.

Eu sou um desenvolvedor. Posso personalizar o plugin?

Yes. You can use plenty of hooks to customize Advanced Ads.


10 março, 2024 1 resposta
Das Plugin ist einfach hervorragend und das sogar schon in der Gratis-Version! Eines der wichtigsten Plugins überhaupt für jede Wordpress Seite
27 fevereiro, 2024 2 respostas
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Acum o lună am început cu un site și sper să mărgă </font></font>
20 fevereiro, 2024 1 resposta
For website developers it is often interesting to use tools that are outside of our specialty to complete the work. Advanced Ads is a very good example of a tool that allows us to manage our subscriptions to advertising sites on the internet in a simplified, user-friendly and independent way. You can easily test the best ad placement options and their particularities.
Leia todas as 1.401 avaliações

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Registro de alterações

1.52.1 (April 4, 2024)

  • Fix: resolve issue with saving group weight

1.52.0 (April 3, 2024)

  • Improvement: bump ‘Tested up to’ version to 6.5
  • Improvement: add status icon for ads in group modal