Tag do plugin: postmeta
Advanced Database Cleaner
(1.593 total de classificações)Limpre o banco de dados excluindo dados órfãos como 'revisões', 'transientes', otimizando o banco de dados e mais…
Customize Posts
(18 total de classificações)Edit posts and postmeta in the Customizer. Stop editing your posts/postmeta blind!
Custom Metadata Manager
(5 total de classificações)An easy way to add custom fields to your object types (post, pages, custom post types, users)
WP-Admin Search Post Meta
(10 total de classificações)Enables searching post meta fields on admin pages.
Post Meta Manager
(2 total de classificações)A simple utility plugin for changing or deleting post or user meta (custom fields) keys in bulk.
Bulk Postmeta Editor
(3 total de classificações)Allows you to bulk-edit post meta information (including custom post types) from a single place.
Post Status Scheduler
(1 total de classificações)Change status, categories/tags or postmeta of any post type at a scheduled timestamp.
MK Postmeta Cleaner
(0 total de classificações)MK Postmeta Cleaner is a advanced clean postmeta tables trash.
(0 total de classificações)Migrate your SEO goodness and other meta-data from one theme or plugin to another WordPress theme or plugin.
WP Extra Fields
(1 total de classificações)Allows extension of page, post and custom post type by allowing you to create customised form fields to include when adding or editing post types.
Logic Shortcodes
(0 total de classificações)Use shortcodes for conditional logic based on post meta or taxonomy terms.
WP Meta Search
(1 total de classificações)Search form for searching through custom fields, post types, categories, tags, and free text.
Wrapping ShortCode
(0 total de classificações)This plugin provides a shortcode block. It is not just a shortcode, it is a shortcode block that wraps other blocks.
Effortless Custom Fields :: ECF
(0 total de classificações)World’s least confusing custom fields plugin.
Advanced Clean Master
(0 total de classificações)Advanced Clean Master optimizes your WordPress site by cleaning drafts, orphaned media, expired transients, and more. Schedule cleanups easily