Tag do plugin: backorder
WooCommerce Backorder Manager
(5 total de classificações)View WooCommerce reports with products and orders in backorder, CSV export for backorders, manage backorder email notifications.
Ship Estimate for WooCommerce
(6 total de classificações)Add a Delivery Estimate or Shipping Method Description to the WooCommerce Cart with a simple, fast and lightweight plugin.
WC Backorder Split
(2 total de classificações)A simple plugin that helps you split the WooCommerce order for the products that you do not have in stock.
SimplexIS Woocommerce Backordered Products
(0 total de classificações)This Wordpress plugin will create a submenu page, showing a table of all backordered products in Woocommerce.
Coupon Restriction For Backorders on WooCommerce
(0 total de classificações)This is a simple plugin used to apply coupon restriction when the backorder item is in the cart. This coupon restriction will only apply if the produc …
(0 total de classificações)Qsynced manages stock info and out of stock policies, it also triggers custom emails to costumers for all the orders with back ordered products.