Welfare Charity
Tema comercial
Este tema é gratuito, mas oferece atualizações comerciais pagas ou suporte adicional. Ver suporte
Este é um tema descendente (filho) de Benevolent.
Welfare Charity is a free WordPress theme for non-profit organizations like charities, INGOs, NGOs, trusts, foundations, etc. This theme works seamlessly with the Give plugin, allowing you to collect donations quickly and effortlessly for charitable causes. Featuring multiple section on its homepage like a banner, introduction, causes section, donation link and call to action button, this theme offers an attractive landing page where you can showcase your charitable organization. It is also SEO-friendly with optimized codes, which make it easy for your site to rank on search engines. Goodwill Charity is optimized to load fast, is translation-ready, mobile-friendly and schema ready. Check the demo at https://rarathemes.com/previews/?theme=welfare-charity/, documentation at https://docs.rarathemes.com/docs/benevolent/ and get support at https://rarathemes.com/support-ticket/.
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