Life Coach
Este tema não é atualizado há mais de 2 anos. Pode não ser mais mantido ou ter suporte e pode ter problemas de compatibilidade quando usado com versões mais recentes do WordPress.
Tema comercial
Este tema é gratuito, mas oferece atualizações comerciais pagas ou suporte adicional. Ver suporte
Este é um tema descendente (filho) de Blossom Coach.
Life Coach is a free WordPress coaching theme designed to create websites for coach, mentors, speakers and therapists. You can easily use this theme to create stunning website without any knowledge of coding. The theme is designed with features that highlights you and yours services that will help to improve your followings. The theme is also multi-purpose. So you can also use it to build small business (restaurants/cafe, travel, education, hotel, construction, events, wedding planners, fitness, affiliate, fashion, lawyer, consulting, sport/medical shops, spa/temas, political), portfolio, church, online agencies and firms, charity, ecommerce (WooCommerce), and freelancers websites. It is responsive, compatible, SEO friendly, RTL compatible, speed optimized, and translation ready. Check theme details at, demo at, read the documentation at, and get support at
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