

Todos os temas



  • Versão 1.8.1
  • Última atualização 3 de março de 2024
  • Instalações ativas 100+
  • Versão do PHP 5.6

A beautifully FlatBox with 8 flat design color schemes. It aslo a responsive theme, you can use in mobile, ipad or desktop. You can upload your own logo & favicon, customizable colors and background, 8 flat design theme color scheme, 3 different theme layout options, customize archive Posts (hide feature image, hide metadata and show post excerpt), single Post(hide feature image, hide related post and hide author box), and google fonts select for Customize: Body, Site Title, Heading, Sub-Heading. live the theme demo at https://wp.qdkfweb.cn/go/flatbox.


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Instalações ativas: 100+