Nataly Amanda
Respostas no Fórum
Fórum: Ajustando o WordPress
Em resposta a: Busca de carrosPrezados preciso de ajuda urgente comprei um plugin no mercado livre que faz busca cidade e estado para o tema classipress este: wp-custom-fields-search que busca preciso fazer uma busca na seguinte tabela do banco de dados : cp_ad_fields e busque nesta tabela com select o banco de dados estado: cp_state e quando selecionar o estado ele só irá gerar as cidades cadastradas naquele estado tem como? fazer uma pesquisa assim na mão?
ou como obrigar o banco select chamar apenas a cidade relacionada ao mesmo veja este código:
<?php add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_count_posts', 'count_posts'); add_action('wp_ajax_count_posts', 'count_posts'); function count_posts() { global $wpdb; $values = $_POST['val']; $controls = $_POST['ctrl']; for ($i=0;$i<count($controls);$i++) $controls[$i][value] = $values[$i][value]; $q = test($controls); //echo $q; $c = $wpdb->get_var($q); echo $c; die(); } function test($controls) { global $wpdb; // Build the query $select = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts"; $join = ""; $where = " WHERE 1=1 AND post_type='ad_listing' AND (post_status='publish' OR post_status='private')"; for ($i=0;$i<count($controls);$i++) { // $name = $controls[$i][name]; $value = $controls[$i][value]; $joiner = $controls[$i][params][joiner]; $numeric = $controls[$i][params][numeric]; $comp = $controls[$i][params][comparison]; $params = $controls[$i][params]; $input = $controls[$i][params][input]; if (!empty($value)) { switch ($joiner) { case "PostDataJoiner": $where.= getPostDataJoinerWhere($comp, $name, $value); break; case "CustomFieldJoiner": $join.= " JOIN $wpdb->postmeta m".$i." ON m".$i.".post_id=id"; //$where.= " AND (m".$i.".meta_key='".$name."' AND m".$i.".meta_value".getComp($comp, $name, $value)."')"; $where.= getCustomFieldJoinerWhere($name, $value, $i, $comp, $numeric, $params); break; case "CategoryJoiner": $table = 'm'.$i; $rel = 'rel'.$i; $tax = 'tax'.$i; $join.= " JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships $rel ON $rel.object_id=id JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy $tax ON $tax.term_taxonomy_id=$rel.term_taxonomy_id JOIN $wpdb->terms $table ON $table.term_id=$tax.term_id AND $tax.taxonomy='ad_cat'"; $where.= getCategoryJoinerWhere($name, $value, $i, $comp); break; case "TagJoiner": $table = 'm'.$i; $rel = 'rel'.$i; $tax = 'tax'.$i; $join.= " JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships $rel ON $rel.object_id=id JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy $tax ON $tax.term_taxonomy_id=$rel.term_taxonomy_id JOIN $wpdb->terms $table ON $table.term_id=$tax.term_id AND $tax.taxonomy='ad_tag'"; $where.= getCategoryJoinerWhere($name, $value, $i, $comp); break; case "PostTypeJoiner": //preg_replace(); break; default: break; } }// end if } return $select.$join.$where; } function getPostDataJoinerWhere($comp, $name,$value) { $suggestedFields = array('all'=>'All Fields', 'post_content'=>'Body Text', 'post_title'=>'Title', 'post_author'=>'Author', 'post_date'=>'Date'); // similar for checkbox! if ($name = 'all') { $logic = array(); foreach($suggestedFields as $name=>$desc) { if($name=='all') continue; $logic[] = "( ".getComp($comp, $name,$value).") "; } $logic = " AND (".join(" OR ",$logic).")"; return $logic; } else return " AND ( ".getComp($comp, $name, $value). ") "; } function getCategoryJoinerWhere($name, $value, $index, $comp) { $res =""; if ($value) { $table = 'm'.$index; /* CHECKBOX if ($params[input] == 'CheckBoxField') { $logic = array(); foreach($params[options] as $name=>$value) { if($name=='all') continue; $logic[] = "( ".getComp($comp, $name,$value).") "; } $logic = " AND (".join(" OR ",$logic).")"; //return $logic; } else*/ $res.= " AND (".getComp($comp, "$", $value).")"; } return $res; } function getCustomFieldJoinerWhere($name, $value, $index, $comp, $numeric, $params) { $res = ""; $table = 'm'.$index; $field = "$table.meta_value".(isNumeric($params, $numeric, false) ? '*1':''); $res = " AND ".getComp($comp, $field, $value); if ($name!='all') $res = " AND ($table.meta_key='$name' ".$res.") "; return $res; } // function isNumeric($params, $key, $default=null) { if (array_key_exists($numeric, $params)) return $params[$key]; return $default; } // COMPARISON FUNCTIONS function getComp($comparison, $f, $v) { switch ($comparison) { case "EqualComparison": return getEqualComparison($f, $v); break; case "NotEqualComparison": return getNotEqualComparison($f, $v); break; case "LikeComparison": return getLikeComparison($f, $v); break; case "WordsLikeComparison": return getWordsLikeComparison($f, $v); break; case "LessThanComparison": return getLessThanComparison($f, $v); break; case "MoreThanComparison": return getMoreThanComparison($f, $v); break; case "AtMostComparison": return getAtMostComparison($f, $v); break; case "AtLeastComparison": return getAtLeastComparison($f, $v); break; case "RangeComparison": return getRangeComparison($f, $v); break; default: break; } } function getEqualComparison($field, $value) { return "$field = '$value'"; } function getNotEqualComparison($field, $value) { return "$field != '$value'"; } function getLikeComparison($field, $value) { return "$field LIKE '%$value%'"; } function getWordsLikeComparison($field, $value) { $words = explode(" ", $value); $like = array(1); foreach($words as $w) $like[] = getLikeComparison($field, $w); return "(".join(" AND ", $like).")"; } function getLessThanComparison($field, $value) { return "$field < '$value'"; } function getMoreThanComparison($field, $value) { return "$field > '$value'"; } function getAtMostComparison($field, $value) { return "$field <= '$value'"; } function getAtLeastComparison($field, $value) { return "$field >= '$value'"; } function getRangeComparison($field, $value) { list($min, $max)= explode("-", $value); $where = 1; if(strlen($min)>0) $where.= " AND $field >= $min"; if(strlen($max)>0) $where.= " AND $field <= $max"; return $where; } ?> ----------------------------------------- E ESTE: ------------- <?php /* * Copyright 2009 Don Benjamin * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * This library is required for the configurable search plugin. * * It could also be used to make static unconfigurable search plugins. * * Author: Don Benjamin * Author URI: * */ $debugMode =false; require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/dynamic_counter.php'); if ( !defined('WP_CONTENT_URL') ) define( 'WP_CONTENT_URL', get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content'); if ( !defined('WP_CONTENT_DIR') ) define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', ABSPATH . 'wp-content' ); class ParameterisedObject { var $params=array(); function ParameterisedObject($params=array()){ $this->__construct($params); } function __construct($params=array()){ $this->setParams($params); if(!is_array($this->params)){ foreach(debug_backtrace() as $trace){ extract($trace); echo "<li>$file:$line $class.$function</li>"; } die("<h1>".get_class($this)."</h1>"); } } function setParams($params){ $this->params=$params; } function param($key,$default=null){ if(!array_key_exists($key,$this->params)) return $default; return $this->params[$key]; } } class DB_WP_Widget extends ParameterisedObject { function DB_WP_Widget($name,$params=array()){ DB_WP_Widget::__construct($name,$params); } function __construct($name,$params=array()){ parent::__construct($params); $this->name = $name; $this->id = strtolower(get_class($this)); $options = get_option($this->id); // register_sidebar_widget($this->name,array(&$this,'renderWidget')); $doesOwnConfig = $this->param('doesOwnConfig',false); $desc = $this->param('description',$this->name); $widget_ops = array('classname' => $this->id, 'description' => __($desc)); $control_ops = array('width' => 400, 'height' => 350, 'id_base' => $this->id); $name = $this->name; $id = false; do { if($options) foreach ( array_keys($options) as $o ) { // Old widgets can have null values for some reason if ( !isset($options[$o]['exists']) ) continue; $id = "$this->id-".abs($o); // Never never never translate an id wp_register_sidebar_widget($id, $name, array(&$this,'renderWidget'), $widget_ops, array( 'number' => $o )); wp_register_widget_control($id, $name, array(&$this,'configForm'), $control_ops, array( 'number' => $o )); } $options = array( -1=>array('exists'=>1)); } while(!$id); } function setParams($params){ parent::setParams($this->overrideParams($params)); } function getDefaults(){ return array('doesOwnConfig'=>false); } function overrideParams($params){ foreach($this->getDefaults() as $k=>$v){ if(!array_key_exists($k,$params)) $params[$k] = $v; } return $params; } function renderWidget(){ echo "<h1>Unconfigured Widget</h1>"; } function defaultWidgetConfig(){ return array('exists'=>'1'); } function getConfig($id=null,$key=null){ $options = get_option($this->id); if(is_null($id)) return $options; if(!@array_key_exists($id,$options)) $id = preg_replace('/^.*-(\d+)$/','\\1',$id); if(is_null($key)) return $options[$id]; else return $options[$id][$key]; } function configForm($args,$force=false){ static $first; global $wp_registered_widgets; if ( !is_array($args) ) $args = array( 'number' => $args ); $args = wp_parse_args($args,array('number'=>-1)); static $updated = array(); $options = get_option($this->id); if(!$updated[$this->id] && ($_POST['sidebar'] || $force)){ $updated[$this->id]=true; $sidebar = (string) $_POST['sidebar']; $default_options=$this->defaultWidgetConfig(); $sidebars_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets(); if ( isset($sidebars_widgets[$sidebar]) ) $this_sidebar = $sidebars_widgets[$sidebar]; else $this_sidebar = array(); foreach ( $this_sidebar as $_widget_id ) { $callback = $wp_registered_widgets[$_widget_id]['callback']; if(is_array($callback) && get_class($callback[0])==get_class($this) && isset($wp_registered_widgets[$_widget_id]['params'][0]['number']) ) {{ $widget_number = $wp_registered_widgets[$_widget_id]['params'][0]['number']; } if ( !in_array( "$this->id-$widget_number", $_POST['widget-id'] ) ) unset($options[$widget_number]); } } foreach ((array)$_POST[$this->id] as $widget_number => $posted) { if(!isset($posted['exists']) && isset($options[$widget_number]))continue; $widgetOptions = $this->form_processPost($posted,$options[$widget_number]); $options[$widget_number] = $widgetOptions; } update_option($this->id,$options); } global $mycount; if(-1==$args['number']){ $args['number']='%i%'; $values = $default_options; } else { $values = $options[$args['number']]; } $this->form_outputForm($values,$this->id.'['.$args['number'].']'); } function form_processPost($post,$old){ return array('exists'=>1); } function form_outputForm($old,$pref){ $this->form_existsInput($pref); } function form_existsInput($pref){ echo "<input type='hidden' name='".$pref."[exists]' value='1'/>"; } function nameAsId(){ return strtolower(str_replace(" ","_",$this->name)); } } class DB_Search_Widget extends DB_WP_Widget { var $inputs = array(); function DB_Search_Widget($name){ DB_Search_Widget::__construct($name); } function __construct($name='Custom',$params=array()){ $this->loadTranslations(); parent::__construct(sprintf(__('%1$s Search','wp-custom-fields-search'),$name),$params); add_filter('posts_join',array(&$this,'join_meta')); add_filter('posts_where',array(&$this,'sql_restrict')); add_filter('posts_groupby', array(&$this,'sql_group')); add_filter('home_template',array(&$this,'rewriteHome')); add_filter('page_template',array(&$this,'rewriteHome')); add_filter( 'get_search_query', array(&$this,'getSearchDescription')); add_action('wp_head', array(&$this,'outputStylesheets'), 1); } function loadTranslations(){ static $loaded; if ( !$loaded && function_exists('load_plugin_textdomain') ) { $loaded=true; if ( !defined('WP_PLUGIN_DIR') ) { load_plugin_textdomain('wp-custom-fields-search', str_replace( ABSPATH, '', dirname(__FILE__) ) ); } else { load_plugin_textdomain('wp-custom-fields-search', false, dirname( plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) ); } } } function addInput($input){ $this->inputs[] = $input; } function outputStylesheets(){ $dir = WP_CONTENT_URL .'/plugins/' . dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) . '/'; echo "\n".'<style type="text/css" media="screen">@import "'. $dir .'templates/searchforms.css";</style>'."\n"; } function getInputs($params){ return $this->inputs; } function getTitle(){ return $this->param('description',$this->name); } function renderWidget($params=array(),$p2 = array()){ $title = $this->getTitle($params); $inputs = $this->getInputs($params); $hidden = "<input type='hidden' name='search-class' value='".$this->getPostIdentifier()."'/><input type='hidden' name='widget_number' value='".$p2['number']."'/>"; $formCssClass = 'custom_search widget custom_search_'.$this->nameAsId(); $formAction = get_option('home'); if(function_exists('locate_template')) $formTemplate = locate_template(array('wp-custom-fields-search-form.php')); if(!$formTemplate) $formTemplate = dirname(__FILE__).'/templates/wp-custom-fields-search-form.php'; foreach($inputs as $k=>$v){ if($v->isHidden()){ $hidden.=$v->getInput(false); unset($inputs[$k]); } } include($formTemplate); } function isPosted(){ return $_GET['search-class'] == $this->getPostIdentifier(); } function getPostIdentifier(){ return get_class($this).'-'.$this->id; } function isHome($isHome){ return $isHome && !$this->isPosted(); } function rewriteHome($homeTemplate){ if($this->isPosted()) return get_query_template('search'); return $homeTemplate; } function join_meta($join){ if($this->isPosted()){ $desc = array(); foreach($this->getInputs($_REQUEST['widget_number']) as $input){ $join = $input->join_meta($join); $desc = $input->describeSearch($desc); } if($desc){ $desc = join(__(" e ",'wp-custom-fields-search'),$desc); } else { $desc = __("Todos",'wp-custom-fields-search'); } $this->desc=$desc; } return $join; } function getSearchDescription($desc){ if($this->isPosted()) return $this->desc; return $desc; } function sql_restrict($where){ if($this->isPosted()){ global $wpdb; /** This could possibly be considered invasive, need to think this bit through * properly. */ $where = preg_replace("_AND\s*\(ID\s*=\s*'\d+'\)_","",$where); //$where = preg_replace("/AND $wpdb->posts. = '(post|page)'/","",$where); $where = preg_replace("/AND $wpdb->posts.post_type = '(post|page)'/","AND $wpdb->posts.post_type = 'ad_listing'",$where); foreach($this->getInputs($_REQUEST['widget_number']) as $input){ $where = $input->sql_restrict($where); } } return $where; } function sql_group($group){ if($this->isPosted()){ global $wpdb; $group = "$wpdb->posts.ID"; } return $group; } function toSearchString(){ } } class SearchFieldBase { function SearchFieldBase(){ SearchFieldBase::__construct(); } function __construct(){ add_filter('search_params',array(&$this,'form_inputs')); static $index; $this->index = ++$index; } function form_inputs($form){ die("Unimplemented function ".__CLASS__.".".__FUNCTION__); } function sql_restrict($where){ die("Unimplemented function ".__CLASS__.".".__FUNCTION__); } } class Field extends ParameterisedObject { function getValue($name){ $v = $_REQUEST[$this->getHTMLName($name)]; if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $v= stripslashes($v); return $v; } function getHTMLName($name){ return 'cs-'.str_replace(" ","_",$name); } function getInput($name){ $htmlName = $this->getHTMLName($name); $value = $this->getValue($name); return "<input name='$htmlName' value='$value'/>"; } function getCSSClass(){ return get_class($this); } } class TextField extends Field { } class TextInput extends TextField{} // PATCH: Modify to show categories tree like class DropDownField extends Field { function DropDownField($params=array()){ $this->__construct($params); } function __construct($params = array()){ parent::__construct($params); if($optionString = $this->param('dropdownoptions',false)){ $options=array(); $optionPairs = explode(',',$optionString); foreach($optionPairs as $option){ list($k,$v) = explode(':',$option); if(!$v) $v=$k; $options[$k]=$v; } } else { $options = $this->param('options',array()); } $this->options = $options; } function getOptions($joiner,$name){ if($this->param('fromDb',!$this->options)){ $options = array(''=>__('Todos','wp-custom-fields-search')); $auto = $joiner->getAllOptions($name); asort($auto); $options +=$auto; return $options; } else { return $this->options; } } // Check if a cat has parent to build the tree function isSubcat($opt, $joiner) { if (get_class($joiner) == "CategoryJoiner") { $terms = get_terms('ad_cat'); if ($terms) { foreach ($terms as $category) { if (($category->name == $opt) && ($category->parent)) return true; } } else return false; } else return false;; } function getInput($name,$joiner,$fieldName=null){ if(!$fieldName) $fieldName=$name; $v = $this->getValue($name); $id = $this->getHTMLName($name); $options = ''; foreach($this->getOptions($joiner,$fieldName) as $option=>$label) { $checked = ($option==$v)?" selected='true'":""; $option = htmlspecialchars($option,ENT_QUOTES); $label = htmlspecialchars($label,ENT_QUOTES); // tree like category if ($this->isSubcat($option, $joiner)) { $options.="<option value='$option'$checked> $label</option>"; } else{ $options.="<option value='$option'$checked>$label</option>"; } } $atts = ''; if($this->params['onChange']) $atts = ' onChange="'.htmlspecialchars($this->params['onChange']).'"'; if($this->params['id']) $atts .= ' id="'.htmlspecialchars($this->params['id']).'"'; if($this->params['css_class']) $atts .= ' class="'.htmlspecialchars($this->params['css_class']).'"'; return "<select name='$id'$atts>$options</select>"; } /*function getInput($name,$joiner,$fieldName=null){ if(!$fieldName) $fieldName=$name; $v = $this->getValue($name); $id = $this->getHTMLName($name); $options = ''; foreach($this->getOptions($joiner,$fieldName) as $option=>$label){ $checked = ($option==$v)?" selected='true'":""; $option = htmlspecialchars($option,ENT_QUOTES); $label = htmlspecialchars($label,ENT_QUOTES); $options.="<option value='$option'$checked>$label</option>"; } $atts = ''; if($this->params['onChange']) $atts = ' onChange="'.htmlspecialchars($this->params['onChange']).'"'; if($this->params['id']) $atts .= ' id="'.htmlspecialchars($this->params['id']).'"'; if($this->params['css_class']) $atts .= ' class="'.htmlspecialchars($this->params['css_class']).'"'; return "<select name='$id'$atts>$options</select>"; //return "<select id='cat' class='searchbar' name='$id'$atts>$options</select>"; }*/ function getConfigForm($id,$values){ return "<label for='$id-dropdown-options'>".__('Drop Down Options','wp-custom-fields-search')."</label><input id='$id-dropdown-options' name='$id"."[dropdownoptions]' value='$values[dropdownoptions]'/>"; } } class HiddenField extends Field { function HiddenField(){ $func_args = func_get_args(); call_user_func_array(array($this,'__construct'),$func_args); } function __construct($params = array()){ $params['hidden']=true; parent::__construct($params); } function getValue(){ return $this->param('constant-value',null); } function getInput($name){ $v=$this->getValue($name); $id = $this->getHTMLName($name); return "<input type='hidden' name='".htmlspecialchars($name)."' value='".htmlspecialchars($v)."'/>"; } function getConfigForm($id,$values){ return "<label for='$id-constant-value'>".__('Constant Value','wp-custom-fields-search')."</label><input id='$id-constant-value' name='$id"."[constant-value]' value='{$values['constant-value']}'/>"; } } /* TODO: Add Caching */ class CustomFieldReader { } // NEW FEATURE: Check Box /* class CheckBoxField extends Field{ function CheckBoxField($options=array(),$params=array()){ CheckBoxField::__construct($options,$params); } function __construct($params=array()){ parent::__construct($params); if($params['checkboxoptions']){ $options=array(); $optionPairs = explode(',',$params['checkboxoptions']); foreach($optionPairs as $option){ list($k,$v) = explode(':',$option); if(!$v) $v=$k; $options[$k]=$v; } } $this->options = $options; } function getOptions($joiner,$name){ if($this->param('fromDb',!$this->options)){ return $joiner->getAllOptions($name); } else { return $this->options; } } function getInput($name,$joiner,$fieldName=null){ if(!$fieldName) $fieldName=$name; $v = $this->getValue($name); $id = $this->getHTMLName($name); $options = ''; foreach($this->getOptions($joiner,$fieldName) as $option=>$label){ $option = htmlspecialchars($option,ENT_QUOTES); $label = htmlspecialchars($label,ENT_QUOTES); $checked = ($option==$v)?" checked='true'":""; $htmlId = "$id-$option"; $options.="<div class='check-box-wrapper'><input type='checkbox' name='$id' id='$htmlId' value='$option'$checked> <label for='$htmlId'>$label</label></div>"; } return $options; } function getCSSClass(){ return "CheckBox"; } function getConfigForm($id,$values){ return "<label for='$id-checkbox-options'>Check Box Options</label><input id='$id-checkbox-options' name='$id"."[checkboxoptions]' value='$values[checkboxoptions]'/>"; } } class CheckBoxFromValues extends CheckBoxField { function CheckBoxFromValues($fieldName=null){ CheckBoxFromValues::__construct($fieldName); } function __construct($fieldName=null,$params){ $params['fromDb'] = true; parent::__construct($options,$params); } function getConfigForm($id,$values){ return ""; } } */ class DropDownFromValues extends DropDownField { function DropDownFromValues($params=array()){ $this->__construct($params); } function __construct($params=array()){ $params['fromDb'] = true; parent::__construct(array(),$params); } function getConfigForm($id,$values){ return ""; } } class RadioButtonField extends Field { function RadioButtonField($options=array(),$params=array()){ RadioButtonField::__construct($options,$params); } function __construct($params=array()){ parent::__construct($params); if($params['radiobuttonoptions']){ $options=array(); $optionPairs = explode(',',$params['radiobuttonoptions']); foreach($optionPairs as $option){ list($k,$v) = explode(':',$option); if(!$v) $v=$k; $options[$k]=$v; } } $this->options = $options; } function getOptions($joiner,$name){ if($this->param('fromDb',!$this->options)){ return $joiner->getAllOptions($name); } else { return $this->options; } } function getInput($name,$joiner,$fieldName=null){ if(!$fieldName) $fieldName=$name; $v = $this->getValue($name); $id = $this->getHTMLName($name); $options = ''; foreach($this->getOptions($joiner,$fieldName) as $option=>$label){ $option = htmlspecialchars($option,ENT_QUOTES); $label = htmlspecialchars($label,ENT_QUOTES); $checked = ($option==$v)?" checked='true'":""; $htmlId = "$id-$option"; $options.="<div class='radio-button-wrapper'><input type='radio' name='$id' id='$htmlId' value='$option'$checked> <label for='$htmlId'>$label</label></div>"; } return $options; } function getCSSClass(){ return "RadioButton"; } function getConfigForm($id,$values){ return "<label for='$id-radiobutton-options'>Radio Button Options</label><input id='$id-radiobutton-options' name='$id"."[radiobuttonoptions]' value='$values[radiobuttonoptions]'/>"; } } class RadioButtonFromValues extends RadioButtonField { function RadioButtonFromValues($fieldName=null){ RadioButtonFromValues::__construct($fieldName); } function __construct($fieldName=null,$params){ $params['fromDb'] = true; parent::__construct($options,$params); } function getConfigForm($id,$values){ return ""; } } class Comparison { function addSQLWhere($field,$value){ die("Unimplemented function ".__CLASS__.".".__FUNCTION__); } function describeSearch($value){ die("Unimplemented function ".__CLASS__.".".__FUNCTION__); } } class EqualComparison extends Comparison { function addSQLWhere($field,$value){ return "$field = '$value'"; } function describeSearch($value){ return sprintf(__(' = "%1$s"','wp-custom-fields-search'),$value); } } class LikeComparison extends Comparison{ function addSQLWhere($field,$value){ return $this->getLikeString($field,$value); } function getLikeString($field,$value){ return "$field LIKE '%$value%'"; } function describeSearch($value){ return sprintf(__(' contains "%1$s"','wp-custom-fields-search'),$value); } } class WordsLikeComparison extends LikeComparison { function addSQLWhere($field,$value){ $words = explode(" ",$value); $like = array(1); foreach($words as $word){ $like[] = $this->getLikeString($field,$word); } return "(".join(" AND ",$like).")"; } function describeSearch($value){ return sprintf(__(' contains "%1$s"','wp-custom-fields-search'),join('"'.__(" and ",'wp-custom-fields-search').'"',explode(" ",$value))); } } class LessThanComparison extends Comparison{ function addSQLWhere($field,$value){ return "$field < '$value'"; } function describeSearch($value){ return sprintf(__(' less than "%1$s"','wp-custom-fields-search'),$value); } } class AtMostComparison extends Comparison{ function addSQLWhere($field,$value){ return "$field <= '$value'"; } function describeSearch($value){ return sprintf(__(' at most "%1$s"','wp-custom-fields-search'),$value); } } class AtLeastComparison extends Comparison{ function addSQLWhere($field,$value){ return "$field >= '$value'"; } function describeSearch($value){ return sprintf(__(' at least "%1$s"','wp-custom-fields-search'),$value); } } class MoreThanComparison extends Comparison{ function addSQLWhere($field,$value){ return "$field > '$value'"; } function describeSearch($value){ return sprintf(__(' more than "%1$s"','wp-custom-fields-search'),$value); } } class RangeComparison extends Comparison{ function addSQLWhere($field,$value){ list($min,$max) = explode("-",$value); $where=1; if(strlen($min)>0) $where.=" AND $field >= $min"; if(strlen($max)>0) $where.=" AND $field <= $max"; return $where; } function describeSearch($value){ list($min,$max) = explode("-",$value); if(strlen($min)==0) return sprintf(__(' less than "%1$s"','wp-custom-fields-search'),$max); if(strlen($max)==0) return sprintf(__(' more than "%1$s"','wp-custom-fields-search'),$min); return sprintf(__(' between "%1$s" and "%2$s"','wp-custom-fields-search'),$min,$max); } } class NotEqualComparison extends Comparison { function addSQLWhere($field,$value){ return "$field != '$value'"; } function describeSearch($value){ return sprintf(__(' is not "%1$s"','wp-custom-fields-search'),$value); } } class BaseJoiner extends ParameterisedObject { function BaseJoiner($name=null,$params=array()){ $this->__construct($name,$params); } function __construct($name=null,$params=array()){ parent::__construct($params); $this->name=$name; } function sql_join($join,$name,$index,$value){ return $join; } function process_where($where){ return $where; } function needsField(){ return true; } } class CustomFieldJoiner extends BaseJoiner{ function CustomFieldJoiner($name,$params){ $this->__construct($name,$params); } function __construct($name,$params){ $this->params = $params; } function param($key,$default=null){ if(array_key_exists($key,$this->params)) return $this->params[$key]; return $default; } function sql_restrict($name,$index,$value,$comparison){ $table = 'meta'.$index; $field = "$table.meta_value".($this->param('numeric',false)?'*1':''); $comp = " AND ".$comparison->addSQLWhere($field,$value); if($name!='all') $comp = " AND ( $table.meta_key='$name' ".$comp.") "; return $comp; } function sql_join($join,$name,$index,$value){ if(!$value && !$this->param('required',false)) return $join; global $wpdb; $table = 'meta'.$index; return "$join JOIN $wpdb->postmeta $table ON $table.post_id=$wpdb->"; } function getAllOptions($fieldName){ global $wpdb; $where=''; if($fieldName!='all') $where = " WHERE meta_key='$fieldName'"; $q = mysql_query($sql = "SELECT DISTINCT meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta m JOIN $wpdb->posts p ON AND p.post_status='publish' $where"); $options = array(); while($r = mysql_fetch_row($q)) $options[$r[0]] = $r[0]; return $options; } function getSuggestedFields(){ global $wpdb; $q = mysql_query($sql = "SELECT DISTINCT meta_key FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key NOT LIKE '\\_%'"); $options = array('all'=>'All Fields'); while($r = mysql_fetch_row($q)) $options[$r[0]] = $r[0]; return $options; } } class CategoryJoiner extends BaseJoiner { function sql_restrict($name,$index,$value,$comparison){ if(!($value || $this->params['required'])) return $join; $table = 'meta'.$index; return " AND ( ".$comparison->addSQLWhere("$",$value).")"; } function getTaxonomy(){ //****** PATCH: WORKING WITH ADS CATEGORIES //return $this->param('taxonomy','category'); return $this->param('taxonomy','ad_cat'); } function getTaxonomyWhere($table){ return "<code>$table</code>.taxonomy='".$this->getTaxonomy()."'"; } function sql_join($join,$name,$index,$value){ if(!($value || $this->params['required'])) return $join; global $wpdb; $table = 'meta'.$index; $rel = 'rel'.$index; $tax = 'tax'.$index; return $join." JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships $rel ON $rel.object_id=$wpdb-> JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy $tax ON $tax.term_taxonomy_id=$rel.term_taxonomy_id JOIN $wpdb->terms $table ON $table.term_id=$tax.term_id AND ".$this->getTaxonomyWhere($tax); } function getAllOptions($fieldName){ global $wpdb; $sql = "SELECT distinct FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON tt.term_id = t.term_id INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id JOIN $wpdb->posts p ON AND p.post_status='publish' WHERE ".$this->getTaxonomyWhere('tt'); $q = mysql_query($sql); if($e = mysql_error()) echo "<h1>SQL: $sql</h1>".mysql_error(); $options = array(); // WORKING ON: Subcategory Tree while($r = mysql_fetch_row($q)) { $options[$r[0]] = $r[0]; } return $options; } function needsField(){ return false; } } class TagJoiner extends CategoryJoiner { function getTaxonomy(){ //PATCH //return $this->param('taxonomy','post_tag'); return $this->param('taxonomy','ad_tag'); } } class PostTypeJoiner extends BaseJoiner { function process_where($where){ global $wpdb; //$where = preg_replace("/AND \($wpdb->posts. *= *'(post|page)'\)/","",$where); // TODO: Check here for PostType search! $where = preg_replace("/AND \($wpdb->posts. *= *'(ad_listing)'\)/","",$where); return $where; } function sql_restrict($name,$index,$value,$comparison){ global $wpdb; if(!($value || $this->params['required'])) return $join; return " AND ( ".$comparison->addSQLWhere("$wpdb->posts.",$value).")"; } function getAllOptions($fieldName){ global $wpdb; $q = mysql_query("SELECT distinct FROM $wpdb->posts p WHERE post_status='publish'") or die(mysql_error()); print_r($q); $options = array(); while($r = mysql_fetch_row($q)) $options[$r[0]] = $r[0]; return $options; } function needsField(){ return false; } } class PostDataJoiner extends BaseJoiner { function sql_restrict($name,$index,$value,$comparison){ global $wpdb; $table = $wpdb->posts; if($name=='all'){ $logic = array(); foreach($this->getSuggestedFields() as $name=>$desc){ if($name=='all') continue; $logic[] = "( ".$comparison->addSQLWhere("$table.$name",$value).") "; } $logic = " AND (".join(" OR ",$logic).")"; return $logic; } else { return " AND ( ".$comparison->addSQLWhere("$table.$name",$value).") "; } } function sql_join($join,$name,$index,$value){ return $join; } function getAllOptions($fieldName){ global $wpdb; global $post; $q = mysql_query("SELECT $fieldName FROM $wpdb->posts"); $options = array(); $i=0; while($r = mysql_fetch_row($q)) { $options[$r[$i]] = $r[$i]; $i++; } return $options; } function getSuggestedFields(){ return array( 'all'=>__('All Fields','wp-custom-fields-search'), 'post_content'=>__('Body Text','wp-custom-fields-search'), 'post_title'=>__('Title','wp-custom-fields-search'), 'post_author'=>__('Author','wp-custom-fields-search'), 'post_date'=>__('Date','wp-custom-fields-search'), ); } } class CategorySearch { } class CustomSearchField extends SearchFieldBase { function CustomSearchField($nameOrParams,$input=false,$comparison=false,$joiner=false){ CustomSearchField::__construct($nameOrParams,$input,$comparison,$joiner); } function __construct($nameOrParams,$input=false,$comparison=false,$joiner=false){ parent::__construct(); if(!is_array($nameOrParams)){ $params = array('name'=>$nameOrParams); } else { $params = $nameOrParams; } $this->name = $params['name']; $this->params = $params; $this->joiner = $joiner; $this->comparison = $comparison; $this->input = $input; if(!is_object($this->input)){ $input = $this->param('input','TextField'); $this->input = new $input($params); } if(!is_object($this->comparison)){ $comparison = $this->param('comparison','LikeComparison'); $this->comparison = new $comparison(); } if(!is_object($this->joiner)){ $joiner = $this->param('joiner','CustomFieldJoiner'); $this->joiner = new $joiner($this->param('name'),$this->params); } } function setIndex($n){ $this->index=$n; } function param($key,$default=null){ if(array_key_exists($key,$this->params)) return $this->params[$key]; return $default; } function stripInitialForm($form){ $pref='<!--cs-form-->'; if(preg_match("/^$pref/",$form)) return $form; else return $pref; } function form_inputs($form){ $form = $this->stripInitialForm($form); return $form.$this->getInput($this->name,$this->joiner); } function hasValue(){ return $this->getValue(); } function sql_restrict($where){ if($this->hasValue()){ $value = $this->getValue(); $value = $GLOBALS['wpdb']->escape($value); $where.=$this->joiner->sql_restrict($this->name,$this->index,$value,$this->comparison); } if(method_exists($this->joiner,'process_where')) $where = $this->joiner->process_where($where); return $where; } function describeSearch($current){ if($this->hasValue()){ $current[] = $this->getLabel()." ".$this->comparison->describeSearch($this->getValue()); } return $current; } function join_meta($join){ global $wpdb; $join=$this->joiner->sql_join($join,$this->name,$this->index,$this->getValue(),$this->comparison); return $join; } function getQualifiedName(){ // PATCH: Adding cat prefix to identify this kind of control if (get_class($this->joiner) == "CategoryJoiner") return 'cat-'.$this->name.'-'.$this->index; else return $this->name.'-'.$this->index; } function getOldValue(){ return $this->getValue(); } function getValue(){ $v = $this->input->getValue($this->getQualifiedName(),$this->name); return $v; } function getLabel(){ if(!$this->params['label']) $this->params['label'] = ucwords($this->name); return $this->params['label']; } function isHidden(){ return $this->input->param('hidden',false); } function getInput($wrap=true){ $input = $this->input->getInput($this->getQualifiedName(),$this->joiner,$this->name); if($wrap){ $input = "<div class='searchform-param'><label class='searchform-label'>".$this->getLabel()."</label><span class='searchform-input-wrapper'>$input</span></div>"; } return $input; } function getCSSClass(){ return method_exists($this->input,'getCSSClass')?$this->input->getCSSClass():get_class($this->input); } } function wp_custom_search_fields_include_bridges(){ $dir = opendir($path = dirname(__FILE__).'/bridges'); while($file = readdir($dir)){ if(is_file("$path/$file") && preg_match("/^[^.].*\.php$/",$file)){ require_once("$path/$file"); } } } wp_custom_search_fields_include_bridges(); if($debugMode){ add_filter('posts_request','debug_dump_query'); function debug_dump_query($query){ echo "<h1>$query</h1>"; return $query; } } ?>
- Esta resposta foi modificada 8 anos atrás por Leo Baiano. Razão: Editado para incluir a tag de código
Fórum: Ajustando o WordPress
Em resposta a: Criar página com posts do blogPrezados preciso de ajuda urgente comprei um plugin no mercado livre que faz busca cidade e estado para o tema classipress este: wp-custom-fields-search que busca preciso fazer uma busca na seguinte tabela do banco de dados : cp_ad_fields e busque nesta tabela com select o banco de dados estado: cp_state e quando selecionar o estado ele só irá gerar as cidades cadastradas naquele estado tem como? fazer uma pesquisa assim na mão?
ou como obrigar o banco select chamar apenas a cidade relacionada ao mesmo veja este código:
[Código removido por um moderador, utilize o ou o se for publicar um trecho grande de código]
- Esta resposta foi modificada 8 anos atrás por Claudio Sanches.
Fórum: Temas
Em resposta a: Botão que Carrega mais 3 postsEu que agradeço e que Deus continue te dando muita sabedoria e que tudo que você fizer seja uma benção.
Muito obrigado.
Fórum: Temas
Em resposta a: Botão que Carrega mais 3 postsAgora sim está funcionando perfeitamente, Amigo, parabéns você é um gênio, muito obrigado mesmo pela atenção e desculpa o transtorno.
Este deu certo:
<?php $loop = new WP_Query( array( ‘post_type’ => ‘empresa’, ‘posts_per_page’ => 15,’tax_query’ => array(
‘taxonomy’ => ‘categoria’,
‘field’ => ‘slug’,
‘terms’ => ‘destaque’,
), ) ); ?>
<?php while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post(); ?>
<div id=”imagens-home”>
<?php the_title();?>
<?php endwhile; wp_reset_query(); ?>Deus te abençoe e continue te dando bastante sabedoria.
Mais uma vez muito obrigado.
Fórum: Temas
Em resposta a: Botão que Carrega mais 3 postsCara, parabéns você é um gênio, muito obrigado mesmo pela atenção e desculpa o transtorno.
Deus te abençoe e continue te dando bastante sabedoria.
Mais uma vez muito obrigado.
Fórum: Temas
Em resposta a: Botão que Carrega mais 3 postsNão teria como chamar a categoria assim <?php $loop = new WP_Query(array(‘post_type’=>’empresa’, ( aquiii ) ‘posts_per_page’ => 3, ‘category_name’ => ‘destaques’));?>
Tem como algum jeito, pois em posts normais eu consigo chamar bem fácil assim:
<h3 class=”pagetitle”> ” > <?php echo get_the_category_by_ID(’18’); ?> </h3>
<?php query_posts(‘showposts=4&cat=18&offset=’);?><?php if (have_posts()): while (have_posts()) : the_post();?>
<div id=”eventos1″ style=”margin-left:7px;”>
” title=”<?php the_title();?>” alt=”<?php the_title();?>”>
<?php the_post_thumbnail(‘evento1’); ?></div>
<?php endwhile; else:?><?php endif;?>
Mais na taxonomias não vem tentei de tudo e não vem
Fórum: Temas
Em resposta a: Botão que Carrega mais 3 postsEntão o que devo fazer?
Fórum: Temas
Em resposta a: Botão que Carrega mais 3 postsEu tenho uma aqui roda mais roda todas as categorias e não destaca apenas uma como por exemplo destaques, assim roda mais mostra todas as postagens:
<?php $loop = new WP_Query(array(‘post_type’=>’empresa’, ‘posts_per_page’ => 3, ‘category_name’ => ‘destaques’));?><?php while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post(); ?>
<div id=”imagem-home”>
” title=”<?php the_title();?>” alt=”<?php the_title();?>”>
<?php the_post_thumbnail(‘imagem-home’); ?>
<h4>” title=”<?php the_title();?>” alt=”<?php the_title();?>”><?php the_title();?></h4>
</div><?php endwhile; wp_reset_query(); ?>
Fórum: Temas
Em resposta a: Botão que Carrega mais 3 postsna index.php do tema
Fórum: Temas
Em resposta a: Botão que Carrega mais 3 postsNa index.php
Fórum: Temas
Em resposta a: Botão que Carrega mais 3 postsColei mais não deu certo não exibe a categoria destaque na home 🙁
Fórum: Temas
Em resposta a: Botão que Carrega mais 3 postsNão deu certo mais postei ai tudo que criei
Fórum: Temas
Em resposta a: Botão que Carrega mais 3 postsregister_taxonomy( ‘categoria’, array( ‘empresa’ ), array(
‘hierarchical’ => true,
‘label’ => __( ‘Categorias das Empresas’ ),
‘labels’ => array( // Labels customizadas
‘name’ => _x( ‘Categoria da Empresa’, ‘taxonomy general name’ ),
‘singular_name’ => _x( ‘Categoria da Empresa’, ‘taxonomy singular name’ ),
‘search_items’ => __( ‘Pesquisar Categorias das Empresas’ ),
‘all_items’ => __( ‘Todas Categorias’ ),
‘parent_item’ => __( ‘Categorias das Empresas’ ),
‘parent_item_colon’ => __( ‘Parente Categorias das Empresas:’ ),
‘edit_item’ => __( ‘Editar Categoria da Empresa’ ),
‘update_item’ => __( ‘Atualizar Categoria das Empresas’ ),
‘add_new_item’ => __( ‘Adicionar Categoria’ ),
‘new_item_name’ => __( ‘Nova Categoria’ ),
‘menu_name’ => __( ‘Categorias das Empresas’ ),
‘show_ui’ => true,
‘show_in_tag_cloud’ => true,
‘query_var’ => true,
‘rewrite’ => array(
‘slug’ => ‘ramo’,
‘with_front’ => true,),
);Fórum: Temas
Em resposta a: Botão que Carrega mais 3 postsCriada assim:
$labels = array(
‘name’ => _x(‘Anúncios’, ‘post type general name’),
‘singular_name’ => _x(‘Anúncio’, ‘post type singular name’),
‘add_new’ => _x(‘Cadastrar Anúncio’, ‘Anúncio’),
‘add_new_item’ => __(‘Cadastrar Anúncio’),
‘edit_item’ => __(‘Editar Anúncio’),
‘new_item’ => __(‘Novo Anúncio’),
‘all_items’ => __(‘Todos Anúncios’),
‘view_item’ => __(‘Ver Anúncio’),
‘search_items’ => __(‘Pesquisar Anúncios’),
‘not_found’ => __(‘Anúncios não Encontrados’),
‘not_found_in_trash’ => __(‘Anúncio não Encontrados na Lixeira’),
‘parent_item_colon’ => ”,
‘menu_name’ => ‘Anúncios’
);register_post_type( ‘empresa’, array(
‘labels’ => $labels,
‘public’ => true,
‘publicly_queryable’ => true,
‘show_ui’ => true,
‘show_in_menu’ => true,
‘rewrite’ => array(
‘slug’ => ‘empresas’,
‘with_front’ => false,
‘capability_type’ => ‘post’,
‘has_archive’ => true,
‘hierarchical’ => true,
‘menu_position’ => 3,
‘supports’ => array(‘title’,’thumbnail’,’revisions’,’tags’, ‘editor’)
);Fórum: Temas
Em resposta a: Botão que Carrega mais 3 postsOnde colo este código:
$args = array(
‘post_type’ => ‘post’,
‘tax_query’ => array(
‘taxonomy’ => ‘destaques’,
‘field’ => ‘slug’,
‘terms’ => ‘destaques’,