Multi level marketing.
There are many marketing strategies involved in the success ratio of a product, writing an assignment on marketing strategies is one of the most common tasks for university students pursuing their majors in marketing. Multi level marketing (MLM) marketing is basically the motivation of the sales force to bring in more sales either by using various schemes, offering packages using the daily retail price, or by recruiting other sales staff which are not on the company’s payroll but do independent sales for them on a commission basis.
Multi level marketing also known as network marketing relies on the individual relationships of people to increase market share and sales ratio. To further explain the concept using the example of DHL will be appropriate, the global forwarding firm charges certain amounts to their individual clients for deliveries around the world. Now there are smaller, logistics firms which buy containers or shipments in bulk directly from DHL gets themselves a cheaper rate than what the individual customer would get if they walked into their service outlet. These companies then sell their bulk purchases to different individuals charging a lower fee than what DHL would actually charge just because they have availed the benefits of mass purchasing.
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