• I have an issue related to email notifications since I moved to a new Brazilian host due to difficulties of host support. Actually, my host is the best of all in Brazil (Locaweb).

    Every time I need to upgrade WP, WP stops sending notification emails. The only way to make it work, is installing the plugin WP-MAIL-SMTP, creating a specific email account for this purpose and making a modification to the file “/public_html/wp-includes/class-phpmailer.php” as described below:

    protected function smtpSend($header, $body) {
         if ('' == $this->Sender) {
              $smtp_from = $this->From;
         } else {
              $smtp_from = $this->Sender;
         //Modification (Begin) - Line of code added
         $smtp_from = "contato@emailaccountdomain.com.br
         //Modification (End) - Line of code added

    Note that, PHP function mail() is activated on the host and working as well.

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  • Moderador Leo Baiano


    WordPress uses the registered e-mail Settings> General to send notifications. The registered email there has the same domain of your site and is a valid email? For example, the same email that you include this core file of WordPress?

    A note, I would not say Locaweb is the best hosting company in Brazil, the real, if you search for e-mail sending errors in WordPress will see that the vast majority occurs Locaweb.

    Moderador Claudio Sanches


    Este é o fórum em brasileiro e deve conversar aqui em português.
    Fechando este tópico por causa disso.

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