Suporte » Plugins » w3 total cache

  • Resolvido cristur


    oi instalei o w3 total cache e alterou todo o tema Pagelines (gratis, sem qualquer versao personalizada)
    Alguem tem alguma diga? Procurei videos de como instalar mas nao encontrei preciso de dicas urgentemente pois o meu site demora para abrir.

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  • Moderador Allyson Souza


    cristur, a única vez que utilizei o W3 total cache eu detestei. Procure por um tema, ainda que gratuito, bem estruturado, para não ter demora no tempo de carregamento.

    Tome outras medidas para otimizar o desempenho de seu site, verificando se a compressão está ativada em sua hospedagem, ativando o cache pelo servidor, etc…

    I’m sorry can you explain the issue in english?

    Criador do tópico cristur


    hi I installed W3 Total Cache and changed the theme. I’m using the PageLines.
    Could you give me some advise? I need to change this situation, because my site is too slow…

    Which settings have you enabled?

    Criador do tópico cristur


    Hi Frederick
    after add the plugin i have this note
    The setting change(s) made either invalidate the cached data or modify the behavior of the site. Empty the page cache now to provide a consistent user experience.
    What i have to do? Click in the bottom empty the page cache?
    If i choose this option i have the other one that will chage the website…

    That’s right, empty the cache.

    Criador do tópico cristur


    So I empty the cache. After i click in “Toggle all caching types on or off (at once)”, and now i have this menssage:
    New Relic is not running correctly. The plugin has detected the following issues:

    PHP module is not enabled.
    PHP agent is not enabled.
    API Key is invalid.
    Account ID is not configured.
    Application ID is not configured. Enter/Select application name.
    License key could not be detected.

    Please review the settings.
    What i have to do?

    You need to follow the installation instructions available on the new relic site to get the PHP module installed and get your account set up so that you can populate the settings.

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