Tema – Caja – é free? Dúvida por informações conflitantes!
achei esse tema para download:Theme Name: Caja
Theme URI: http://www.luiszuno.com/themes/wp-caja
Description: Creative’s portfolio specific theme. Powered by luiszuno
Author: Luis Zuno
Author URI: http://luiszuno.com
Version: 1.1.4License:
License URI:mas estou em dúvidas quanto a sua licença, em certas partes fala para comprar, no site dele fala que é grátis…
dentro do arquivo baixado tem um arquivo LICENSE:
This WordPress theme is comprised of two parts:
(1) The PHP code is licensed under the GPL license as is WordPress itself. You will find a copy of the license text in the same directory as this text file. Or you can read it here:
(2) All other parts of the theme including, but not limited to the CSS code, images, and design are licensed according to the freebies license. Read about licensing details here:
http://luiszuno.com/blog/license/e no site dele consta isso:
Relax, all files available for download at luiszuno.com are free for personal and commercial use with little restriction.
You may freely use them without restriction, in any kind of application such software programs, web templates, themes for cms, prints or other kind of materials intended for sale or distribution.
You are not permitted to make the resources found on luiszuno.com available for distribution elsewhere “as is” without prior consent.
Feeling Grateful?só queria confirmar pois quero muito utilizar ele.
Obrigado novamente;
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