Resumo do Post / Leia mais
Recentemente fiz o download de um tema gratuito,
E não estou conseguindo inserir os códigos de read more na
<div class="postcontent"> <h2><a>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2> <?php the_excerpt(''); ?> <span class="more"><a>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">Leia mais »</a></span> </div>
Para que o texto do post fique resumido e se adicione automaticamente o link de LEIA MAIS..
Segue os códigos do arquivo index.php
<?php /* WARNING! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! BizzThemes framewrok is built with hooks, which are all located in library/hooks template directory. Please edit those files to customize your design/look, combined with Theme Option Panel in WordPress backed. */ get_header(); /* This is ARCHIVE PAGE template displayed according to your settings in theme options panel. You have option to show checked function block sections in order you like of course - now GO TO THEME OPTIONS PANEL TO SET IT UP. */ foreach ($GLOBALS['opt']['bizzthemes_archive_s'] as $key => $value) { if ( $GLOBALS['opt']['bizzthemes_archive_s_'.$key.''] == 'true' ) { eval('bizz_'.$key.'(); '); } } get_footer(); ?>
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Visualizando 7 respostas - 1 até 7 (de um total de 7)
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