• Resolvido arthurfreitas



    Estou com um problema com o merge do WordPress 3.0. Ativei a funcionalidade network, e apareceu a seguinte mensagem:

    Warning! Wildcard DNS may not be configured correctly!

    To use a subdomain configuration, you must have a wildcard entry in your DNS. The installer attempted to contact a random hostname (abcdef.meudominio.com) on your domain. This resulted in an error message: Couldn’t resolve host ‘abcdef.meudominio.com

    If you want to host sites in the form of http://site1.example.com then you must add a wildcard record to your DNS records. This usually means adding a * hostname record pointing at your web server in your DNS configuration tool.

    You can still use your site but any subdomain you create may not be accessible. If you know your DNS is correct, ignore this message.

    O que devo fazer?


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    Dei uma boa pesquisada no Google e encontrei a resposta.

    É muito fácil. No cPanel de seu servidor, acesse a área de subdomínios e crie um simplesmente colocando * na área de especificação. O resto o cPanel faz sozinho.


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