• Olá, tenho tido problemas ao publicar minhas fotos no Facebook através da ferramenta publicize do plugin Jetpcak. Eu percebi que quando ativo o plugin WP Smush https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-smushit/, aparece uma outra imagem de destaque do post no Facebook e não a que carreguei no wordpress. Entrei em contato com o suporte do Jetpack relatando o problema e ele me retornou com o seguinte e-mail abaixo:
    Vocês poderiam me ajudar com esse problema?
    Hi Amanda,

    I haven’t been able to duplicate this problem yet. On your site, I did notice there are seemingly two processes producing the og:image tags, which may be having something to do with what you’re seeing:

    Screen Shot

    (notice the highlighted tags at the top and toward the bottom. Whatever that is on your site creating those two sets should be audited so that only one is being used. At initial glance, it doesn’t appear either of these are being generated by Jetpack (as Jetpack typically has a comment before and after indicating it is from Jetpack.


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