• Resolvido Bolzard


    Olá, tudo bem?
    Novato na area kkk, galera tipo estou usando um tema Customizr, e queria colocar login no cabeçalho.
    Mas não consigo alguem me da um help.
    Começando a usar wordpress agora.

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  • Criador do tópico Bolzard


    function __construct () {

    self::$instance =& $this;
    //Default layout settings
    $this -> global_layout = array(
    ‘r’ => array(
    ‘content’ => ‘span9’,
    ‘sidebar’ => ‘span3’,
    ‘customizer’ => __( ‘Right sidebar’ , ‘customizr’ ),
    ‘metabox’ => __( ‘Right sidebar’ , ‘customizr’ ),
    ‘l’ => array(
    ‘content’ => ‘span9’,
    ‘sidebar’ => ‘span3’,
    ‘customizer’ => __( ‘Left sidebar’ , ‘customizr’ ),
    ‘metabox’ => __( ‘Left sidebar’ , ‘customizr’ ),
    ‘b’ => array(
    ‘content’ => ‘span6’,
    ‘sidebar’ => ‘span3’,
    ‘customizer’ => __( ‘2 sidebars : Right and Left’ , ‘customizr’ ),
    ‘metabox’ => __( ‘2 sidebars : Right and Left’ , ‘customizr’ ),
    ‘f’ => array(
    ‘content’ => ‘span12’,
    ‘sidebar’ => false,
    ‘customizer’ => __( ‘No sidebars : full width layout’, ‘customizr’ ),
    ‘metabox’ => __( ‘No sidebars : full width layout’ , ‘customizr’ ),

    Esse ai se refere as sidebars q ja tem, certo, no caso tenho q criar uma para o header?

    Criador do tópico Bolzard


    Resolvido, vlw

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