Suporte » Ajustando o WordPress » Erro de URL ao apontar para subpasta indicada na instalação

  • I put my wordpress site into a subfolder called rdn. Then, using the .htaccess, I made the appointment. In the wordpress admin, I put the installation as and the way to access the site as

    It happens that when a person clicks on the site logo, which points to appears as file not found. How to solve it?

    My .htaccess file looks like this:

    # BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^ index \ .php $ – [L]
    RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f
    RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d
    RewriteRule. /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress

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