Suporte » Outros assuntos » Descrição do Site na busca do GOOGLE

  • Resolvido lucasmc19


    Boa tarde galera, gostaria de mudar a descrição do meu site no google veja o código do header, PS: Já mudei no wordpress a descrição mais não funcionou :

     * The header for the theme
     * @author Orkun GURSEL (
     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage CloudFw
    /** Get Logo Images */
    $logo_image               = cloudfw_get_option('logo', 'image');
    $logo_image_retina        = cloudfw_get_option('logo', 'image@2x');
    $logo_image_tablet        = cloudfw_get_option('logo-tablet', 'image');
    $logo_image_tablet_retina = cloudfw_get_option('logo-tablet', 'image@2x');
    $logo_image_phone         = cloudfw_get_option('logo-phone', 'image');
    $logo_image_phone_retina  = cloudfw_get_option('logo-phone', 'image@2x');
     * Check the visual set for custom logo image
        /** Desktop */
        if ( $custom_logo = cloudfw_get_visual_option("custom-logo") ) {
            $logo_image = $custom_logo;
        if ( $custom_logo_retina = cloudfw_get_visual_option("custom-logo-retina") ) {
            $logo_image_retina = $custom_logo_retina;
        /** Tablet */
        if ( $custom_logo_tablet = cloudfw_get_visual_option("custom-logo-tablet") ) {
            $logo_image_tablet = $custom_logo_tablet;
        if ( $custom_logo_tablet_retina = cloudfw_get_visual_option("custom-logo-tablet-retina") ) {
            $logo_image_tablet_retina = $custom_logo_tablet_retina;
        /** Phone */
        if ( $custom_logo_phone = cloudfw_get_visual_option("custom-logo-phone") ) {
            $logo_image_phone = $custom_logo_phone;
        if ( $custom_logo_phone_retina = cloudfw_get_visual_option("custom-logo-phone-retina") ) {
            $logo_image_phone_retina = $custom_logo_phone_retina;
     * Logo image callbacks for tablets and phones
        /** Tablet */
        if ( ! $logo_image_tablet ) {
            $logo_image_tablet = $logo_image;
        /** Phone */
        if ( ! $logo_image_phone ) {
            $logo_image_phone = $logo_image;
     * Logo image retina callbacks
        /** Desktop */
        if ( ! $logo_image_retina ) {
            $logo_image_retina = $logo_image;
        /** Tablet */
        if ( ! $logo_image_tablet_retina ) {
            $logo_image_tablet_retina = $logo_image_retina;
        /** Phone */
        if ( ! $logo_image_phone_retina ) {
            $logo_image_phone_retina = $logo_image_tablet_retina;
     * Logo offsets
    $logo_margin_top = cloudfw_get_option( 'logo', 'margin-top', NULL, 0 );
    $logo_margin_top_tablet = cloudfw_get_option( 'logo-tablet', 'margin-top', $logo_margin_top, -1 );
    $logo_margin_top_phone = cloudfw_get_option( 'logo-phone', 'margin-top', $logo_margin_top, -1 );  
    $logo_margin_bottom = cloudfw_get_option( 'logo', 'margin-bottom', NULL, 0 );
    $logo_margin_bottom_tablet = cloudfw_get_option( 'logo-tablet', 'margin-bottom', $logo_margin_bottom, -1 );
    $logo_margin_bottom_phone = cloudfw_get_option( 'logo-phone', 'margin-bottom', $logo_margin_bottom, -1 ); 
    ?><!DOCTYPE html>
    <!--[if lt IE 7]>      <html class="no-js html-loading wf-active ie old-browser lt-ie10 lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <![endif]-->
    <!--[if IE 7]>         <html class="no-js html-loading wf-active ie old-browser ie7 lt-ie10 lt-ie9 lt-ie8" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <![endif]-->
    <!--[if IE 8]>         <html class="no-js html-loading wf-active ie old-browser ie8 lt-ie10 lt-ie9" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <![endif]-->
    <!--[if IE 9]>         <html class="no-js html-loading wf-active ie modern-browser ie9 lt-ie10" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <![endif]-->
    <!--[if gt IE 9]><!--> <html class="no-js html-loading wf-active modern-browser" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <!--<![endif]-->
    <meta charset="ISO-8859-1" />
    <meta http-equiv='content-type" content="Desenvolvimento de sites,logomarcas, lojas virtuais e muito mais faça seu orçamento comigo"; charset=ISO-8859-1' />
    <?php cloudfw_device_viewport(); ?>
    <title><?php cloudfw('title'); ?></title>
    <?php do_action( 'cloudfw_head' ); ?>
    <?php wp_head();?>
    <body <?php body_class(); ?> itemscope itemtype="">
    <div id="side-panel-pusher">
    <div id="main-container">
        <div id="page-wrap">
            <header id="page-header" class="clearfix">
                <?php if( cloudfw_check_onoff( 'topbar', 'enable' ) ) {
                    $topbar_layout = cloudfw_get_option( 'topbar', 'layout' );
                    $topbar_classes = array();  
                    if ( $topbar_layout == 'widgets-left' ) {
                        $topbar_classes['widgets'] = 'left';
                        $topbar_classes['text']    = 'right';
                    } else {
                        $topbar_classes['widgets'] = 'right';
                        $topbar_classes['text']    = 'left';
                <div id="top-bar" class="clearfix">
                    <div id="top-bar-background">
                        <div class="container relative">
                            <?php if ( class_exists('CloudFw_TopBar_Widgets') && $topbar_text = cloudfw_translate( 'text', 'topbar' ) ) { ?>
                            <div id="top-bar-text" class="top-bar-sides abs-<?php echo $topbar_classes['text']; ?>">
                                <?php echo do_shortcode($topbar_text); ?>
                            <?php } ?>
                            <div id="top-bar-widgets" class="<?php echo cloudfw_visible('all'); ?>top-bar-sides abs-<?php echo $topbar_classes['widgets']; ?>">
                                <?php CloudFw_TopBar_Widgets::render(); ?>
                </div><!-- /#top-bar -->
                <?php } ?>
                <?php $header_type = cloudfw_get_option('header', 'type'); ?>
                <div id="header-container" class="header-type-<?php echo $header_type; ?> no-stuck clearfix" <?php cloudfw_responsive_options(array(
                            'css' => array(
                                'padding-bottom' => array(
                                    'phone'         => (int) $logo_margin_bottom_phone,
                                    'tablet'        => (int) $logo_margin_bottom_tablet,
                                    'widescreen'    => $header_type == 2 ? (int) $logo_margin_bottom_tablet : 0,
                                    //'widescreen'    => 0,
                    )); ?>>
                    <div id="header-container-background"></div>
                    <div class="container relative">
                        <div id="logo" class="pull-left">
                            <a href="<?php echo __url(get_bloginfo("url")); ?>">
                                    /** Destop Logo */
                                    echo "<img ".
                                        cloudfw_make_id( 'logo-desktop' ) .
                                        cloudfw_make_class( cloudfw_visible('desktop') , true) .
                                        cloudfw_make_attribute( array(
                                            'src'           => $logo_image,
                                            'data-at2x'     => $logo_image_retina,
                                            'alt'           => get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ),
                                        ), FALSE ) .
                                        cloudfw_make_style_attribute( array(
                                            'margin-top'    => $logo_margin_top,
                                            'margin-bottom' => $logo_margin_bottom
                                        ), FALSE, TRUE )
                                    /** Tablet Logo */
                                    echo "\n<img ".
                                        cloudfw_make_id( 'logo-tablet' ) .
                                        cloudfw_make_class( cloudfw_visible('tablet') , true) .
                                        cloudfw_make_attribute( array(
                                            'src'           => $logo_image_tablet,
                                            'data-at2x'     => $logo_image_tablet_retina,
                                            'alt'           => get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ),
                                        ), FALSE ) .
                                        cloudfw_make_style_attribute( array(
                                            'margin-top'    => $logo_margin_top_tablet,
                                            'margin-bottom' => $logo_margin_bottom_tablet
                                        ), FALSE, TRUE )
                                    /** Phone Logo */
                                    echo "\n<img ".
                                        cloudfw_make_id( 'logo-phone' ) .
                                        cloudfw_make_class( cloudfw_visible('phone') , true) .
                                        cloudfw_make_attribute( array(
                                            'src'           => $logo_image_phone,
                                            'data-at2x'     => $logo_image_phone_retina,
                                            'alt'           => get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ),
                                        ), FALSE ) .
                                        cloudfw_make_style_attribute( array(
                                            'margin-top'    => $logo_margin_top_phone,
                                            'margin-bottom' => $logo_margin_bottom_phone
                                        ), FALSE, TRUE )
                        </div><!-- /#logo -->
                        <nav id="navigation" class="pull-right">
                            <?php do_action( 'cloudfw_primary_navigation' ); ?>
                        </nav><!-- /nav#navigation -->
                </div><!-- /#header-container -->
            <?php cloudfw( 'header' ); ?>

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Visualizando 1 resposta (de um total de 1)
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