• Amigos…
    Sou leigo em php e gostaria da ajuda de vocês numa tarefa.
    Tenho um plugin que lista os anivesariantes do mês e estou fazendo umas modificações nele. Uma das modificações que fiz foi inserir um shortcode [niver] para que eu possa exibir a lista em qualquer parte do post. Meu tema tem um arquivo só para armazenar shortcodes e lá eu inseri a seguinte linha:

    add_shortcode('niver', 'nbday_month');

    * nbday_month é o nome da função no plugin que gera a lista de aniversariantes do mês.

    E deu certo (em partes)…

    Quando coloco a tag [niver] ele retorna a lista de aniversariantes do mês gerada pelo plugin, porém não importa onde eu insira a tag, ela sempre aparece na parte superior ao texto.

    Alguém poderia me ajudar a consertar isso?


Visualizando 2 respostas - 1 até 2 (de um total de 2)
  • Moderador Eduardo Zulian


    Leonardo, passa o código do seu shortcode pra gente dar uma olhada?

    Mas ó, por cima, eu diria que você está dando um echo no shortcode em vez de um return, e por isso que ele sobrepõe todo o conteúdo.

    Criador do tópico leonardocx


    Oi Eduardo!
    Cara o código do plugin onde coloquei o shortcode é esse:

    	Plugin Name: Birthday List
    	Description: A plugin which stores birthdates and displays current birthdays and 	either upcoming birthdays a  week prior to the event or the current months birthdays on the sidebar or footer and birthdays for the month on the admin page.
    	Version: 2.5
       Date: 06/07/2009
    	Author: EJ
       Author URI: http://www.ejknapp.com/
    	Plugin URI: http://www.ejknapp.com/blog/wordpress-plugins/
    	If you find this plugin useful, consider donating a buck to the cause.
      Much of this code I modified from the Our ToDo List plugin and updated and added code from my original
      Birthday List.  The date validation function came from Softpedia.  I had to change the function name to
      make it work, though
    	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    	the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    	(at your option) any later version.
    	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    	GNU General Public License for more details.
    	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    	along with this program; if not, you can write to the Free Software
    	Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA or 		check it out here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
    global $wpdb;
    $nbday_tablename = $wpdb->prefix . "nbday";
    $nbday_message = '';
    $nbday_location = get_settings('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/tools.php?page=' . nbday_plugin_basename(__FILE__);
    $nbday_option_location = get_settings('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=' . nbday_plugin_basename(__FILE__);
                'wp-content/plugins/' . dirname(nbday_plugin_basename(__FILE__)) );
    function nbday_runInclude ()
        $path = ABSPATH . WPINC;
        $incfile = $path . '/pluggable-functions.php';
        $incfile_ella = $path . '/pluggable.php';
        if ( is_readable($incfile) ) {
        else if ( is_readable($incfile_ella) ) {
        else {
            echo "Could not read pluggable.php or pluggable-functions.php under $path/.";
    if ( function_exists('add_action') )
        add_action('init', 'nbday_createdb');
        add_action('admin_menu', 'nbday_load_manage_panel');
        add_action('activity_box_end', 'nbday_in_activity_box');
    function nbday_load_manage_panel ()
        add_management_page(__('Birthday List', 'nbday'), __('Birthday List', 'nbday'), 1, nbday_plugin_basename(__FILE__), 'nbday_manage_panel');
    function nbday_createdb ()
        global $nbday_tablename,  $wpdb, $userdata, $wp_roles;
        if( $wpdb->get_var("show tables like '$nbday_tablename'") != $nbday_tablename )
            $sql = "CREATE TABLE $nbday_tablename (
    				bdid INT(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    				first text NOT NULL,
    				last text NOT NULL,
    				bdate date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
    				age INT NOT NULL,
    				birthday date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
    				wdate date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
    				sunsign text NOT NULL,
    				 UNIQUE KEY ID (bdid)
            require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php');
    ////////////////////////  Logic 
    function nbday_controller ()
        global $nbday_message;
        $nbday_action = $_POST['nbday_action'];
        if ( empty($nbday_action) ) { $nbday_action = $_GET['nbday_action']; }
        if ( empty($nbday_action) ) { $nbday_action = ''; }
        $nbday_message = '';
        switch ($nbday_action)
            case 'addbday':
            $first = $_POST['first'];
            $last = $_POST['last'];
            $bdate = $_POST['bdate'];
            $wdate = $_POST['bdate'];
            nbday_insert($first, $last, $bdate, $wdate);
            $nbday_message = __('Venerated One!/Birthday Will Not Be Missed Now/No Dog House For You', 'nbday');
            case 'trashbd':
            $bdid = $_GET['id'];
            $nbday_message = __('Birthdays Are Fleeting/Entry Swims With The Fishes/No Card To Buy Now', 'nbday');
            case 'updatebd':
           $bdid = $_POST['id'];
           $first = $_POST['first'];
            $last = $_POST['last'];
            $bdate = $_POST['bdate'];
            $wdate = $_POST['bdate'];
            nbday_update($bdid,$first, $last, $bdate, $wdate);
            $nbday_message = __('All Is Harmony/Forces of Wisdom Prevail/Entry is Renewed', 'nbday');
            case 'setupbd':
            $nbday_message = __('Birthday database table has been installed.', 'nbday');
    function nbday_insert ($first,$last,$bdate,$wdate)
        global $nbday_tablename,  $wpdb, $userdata, $whatsign;
    		if (substr($bdate, 0, 5)=="Error") { // if date in error
    			// Insert my own error code here
    			?><div class="error"><p><strong>Failure: </strong>Month No More Than Twelve/Past Thirty-one, Days Vanish/Year Is Four Numbers</p></div><?php
    		} else {
    			// Insert Valid Date Code
        $ssign = "SELECT INSERT(RIGHT('" . $bdate . "',5), 3, 1, '')";
    		$sunsignbd = mysql_query($ssign);
        $insert = "INSERT INTO $nbday_tablename SET  first = '" . $first . "', last = '" . $last . "', bdate = '" . $bdate . "', age = (YEAR(NOW())-YEAR('" . $bdate . "')) - (SELECT SUBSTRING(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 6 HOUR),6,5)<RIGHT('" . $bdate . "',5)), birthday = DATE_ADD('" . $bdate . "', INTERVAL age + 1 YEAR), wdate = DATE_SUB(birthday, INTERVAL 7 DAY), sunsign = '" . $whatsign . "' ";
        $results = $wpdb->query( $insert );
    function nbday_update ($bdid,$first,$last,$bdate,$wdate)
        global $nbday_tablename, $wpdb, $userdata, $whatsign;
    		if (substr($bdate, 0, 5)=="Error") { // if date in error
    			// Insert my own error code here
    			?><div class="error"><p><strong>Failure: </strong>Month No More Than Twelve/Past Thirty-one, Days Vanish/Year Is Four Numbers</p></div><?php
    		} else {
    			// Insert Valid Date Code
        $ssign = "SELECT INSERT(RIGHT('" . $bdate . "',5), 3, 1, '')";
    		$sunsignbd = mysql_query($ssign);
        $update = "UPDATE $nbday_tablename SET first = '" . $first . "', last = '" . $last . "', bdate = '" . $bdate . "', age = (YEAR(NOW())-YEAR('" . $bdate . "')) - (SELECT SUBSTRING(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 6 HOUR),6,5)<RIGHT('" . $bdate . "',5)), birthday = DATE_ADD('" . $bdate . "', INTERVAL age + 1 YEAR), wdate = DATE_SUB(birthday, INTERVAL 7 DAY), sunsign = '" . $whatsign . "' WHERE bdid = '$bdid' ";
        $results = $wpdb->query( $update );
    function nbday_delete ($bdid)
        global $nbday_tablename,  $wpdb;
        $delete = "DELETE FROM $nbday_tablename WHERE bdid = '$bdid'";
        $results = $wpdb->query( $delete );
    function nbday_get_bday ($bdid)
        global $nbday_tablename, $wpdb;
        $edit = "SELECT bdid, first, last, DATE_FORMAT(bdate, '%m-%d-%Y') AS bdate FROM $nbday_tablename WHERE bdid = '$bdid' LIMIT 1";
        $result = $wpdb->get_row( $edit );
        return $result;
    ///////////////////////////  UI
    /* Display UI to manage birthday list  */
    function nbday_manage_panel()
        global $wpdb, $nbday_tablename, $nbday_location, $nbday_message;
    <?php if ( ! empty($nbday_message) ) : ?>
    <div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><?php echo $nbday_message; ?></p></div>
    <?php endif; ?>
     if($_GET['nbday_action'] == 'editbd')
        $bdid = $_GET['id'];
        $getbday = nbday_get_bday($bdid);
    <div class="wrap">
     <h2><?php _e('Edit Birthday', 'nbday') ?></h2>
     <form method="post">
        <table class="widefat" width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5">
         <th><?php _e('First', 'nbday'); ?></th>
         <th><?php _e('Last', 'nbday'); ?></th>
         <th><?php _e('Birthdate   dd-mm-yyyy', 'nbday'); ?></th>
          <td><input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $getbday->bdid ?>" /></td>
            <td><input type="text" name="first" value="<?php echo wp_specialchars($getbday->first, 1); ?>"></td>
            <td><input type="text" name = "last" value="<?php echo wp_specialchars($getbday->last, 1); ?>"></td>
            <td><input type="text" name = "bdate" value="<?php echo wp_specialchars($getbday->bdate, 1); ?>"></td>
        <p class="submit">
          <input type="hidden" name="nbday_action" value="updatebd" />
          <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php _e('Update Birthday', 'nbday') ?>" />
     <p><a href="<?php echo $nbday_location; ?>"><?php _e('&laquo; Return to Birthday list', 'nbday'); ?></a></p>
    <div class="wrap">
        <h2><?php _e('Add New Birthday', 'nbday') ?></h2>
        <form name="addbd" id="addbd" method="post">
    <table class="widefat" id="addbday" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" >
         <th><?php _e('First', 'nbday'); ?></th>
         <th><?php _e('Last', 'nbday'); ?></th>
         <th><?php _e('Birthdate   dd-mm-yyyy', 'nbday'); ?></th>
            <td><input type="text" name="first"></td>
            <td><input type="text" name = "last"></td>
            <td><input type="text" name = "bdate"></td>
                <p class="submit">
                  <input type="hidden" name="nbday_action" value="addbday" />
                  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php _e('Add Birthday &raquo;', 'nbday') ?>" />
    <div class="wrap">
    <h2><?php _e('My Birthday List', 'nbday'); ?></h2>
    <table class="widefat" id="bday-list" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" >
         <th><?php _e('First', 'nbday'); ?></th>
         <th><?php _e('Last', 'nbday'); ?></th>
         <th><?php _e('Birthdate', 'nbday'); ?></th>
         <th><?php _e('Current Age', 'nbday'); ?></th>
         <th><?php _e('Birthday', 'nbday'); ?></th>
         <th><?php _e('Sunsign', 'nbday'); ?></th>
         <th colspan='2'><?php _e('Action', 'nbday'); ?></th>
       $sql = "SELECT bdid, first, last, DATE_FORMAT(bdate, '%W, %M %D %Y') AS bdate,age,sunsign,DATE_FORMAT(birthday, '%W, %M %D %Y') AS birthday,DATE_FORMAT(birthday, '%Y %m %d') AS sortby FROM ". $nbday_tablename . " ORDER BY sortby ASC";
       $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
       if ($results)
         foreach ($results as $result)
           $class = ('alternate' == $class) ? '' : 'alternate';
           $edit = '<a href="' . $nbday_location . '&nbday_action=editbd&id='.
                   $result->bdid . '" class="edit">'.__('Edit', 'nbday') . '</a></td><td>'.
                   '<a href="' . $nbday_location . '&nbday_action=trashbd&id='.
                   $result->bdid . '" class="delete">'.__('Delete', 'nbday') . '</a>';
           echo "<tr id=\"nbday-{$result->bdid}\" class=\"$class\">
           <td align='center'>{$result->age}</td>
         echo '<tr><td colspan="3">'.__('There are no Birthdays added..', 'nbday').'</td></tr>';
    	<table align="left" cellpadding="3">
          <td><a href='http://www.ejknapp.com/blog/wordpress-plugins/'>Birthday List v. 2.0.</a> by EJ.</td>
          <td>Much Toil Writing Code/Useful To You Is It Not?/Donations Welcome</td>
          <td><form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
    <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="1000985">
    <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="">
    <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">
    /* Display month's birthdays on Dashboard  */
    function nbday_in_activity_box()
       global $nbday_tablename, $wpdb, $nbday_location, $today, $todaybirthday, $todaybmd, $thismonth;
       //echo '<div><h3>'.__('Upcoming Birthdays for '. $thismonth[0] . '' , 'nbday').
      // echo '<div><h3>'.__('Aniversariantes do mês de '. $thismonth[0] . '' , 'nbday').
            ' <a href="' . $nbday_location . '">'.
            __('&raquo;', 'nbday').'</a></h3>';
    		// if there is a birthday today, update db
    		if ($today[0] = $todaybirthday[0])
    			$sql = "UPDATE $nbday_tablename SET age = age+1, birthday = DATE_ADD(bdate, INTERVAL age+1 YEAR), wdate = DATE_SUB(birthday, INTERVAL 7 DAY) WHERE birthday = '" . $todaybirthday[0] . "' ";
    		// get birthdays for the current month
    		$sql = "SELECT first, last, birthday, age,DATE_FORMAT(birthday, '%d %m') AS nbirthday,
        DATE_FORMAT(birthday, '%d') AS bday FROM $nbday_tablename
        ORDER BY bday ASC ";
    		$tcmonth = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
        if ($tcmonth)
          <table cellpadding='4'>
                <th align='center'><?php _e('Name', 'nbday'); ?></th>
                <th align='center'><?php _e('Current Age', 'nbday'); ?></th>
                <th align='center'><?php _e('Birthday', 'nbday'); ?></th>
         foreach ($tcmonth as $row)
    							if (substr($row->birthday,5,5) == $todaybmd[0])
    							<td align='left'><?php echo $row->first ?>&nbsp;<?php echo $row->last ?></td>
                     <td align='center'><?php echo $row->age ?></td>
                     <td align='center'>Today!!</td>
    						<?php } else {  ?>
                      <td align='left'><?php echo $row->first ?>&nbsp;<?php echo $row->last ?></td>
                      <td align='center'><?php echo $row->age ?></td>
                      <td align='right'><?php echo $row->nbirthday ?></td>
                  <?php } ?>
         echo '<tr><td colspan="3">'.__("You're Safe - No Birthdays this month.", 'nbday').'</td></tr>';
        echo '<p style="text-align:right">'.
             '<a href="' . $nbday_location . '#addbd">'.
             __('New Birthday &raquo;', 'nbday').'</a></p></div>';
    // Prints out the current and upcoming birthdays
    function nbday_now()
    	global $nbday_tablename, $wpdb, $todaybmd;
    		// get today's birthdays and birthdays 7 days in advance
    		$sql = "SELECT first, last, bdate, birthday, age, sunsign,
        DATE_FORMAT(birthday, '%W, %M %D') AS bwmd, DATE_FORMAT(birthday, '%D') AS bday FROM $nbday_tablename
        ORDER BY bday ASC ";
    		$tdseven = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
        echo '<div><h3>'.__('Upcoming Birthdays', 'nbday').'</h3></div>';
    		if (!empty($tdseven) )
    			<table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" border='0'>
    			foreach ($tdseven as $row)
    							if (substr($row->birthday,5,5) == $todaybmd[0])
    							<td align="left"><?php echo $row->first ?>&nbsp;<?php echo $row->last ?> is <?php echo $row->age, ' Today!!' ?></td>
                    <td align="right" valign="bottom"><?php echo $row->sunsign ?></td>
    						<?php } else {  ?>
    						<td align="left"><?php echo $row->first ?>&nbsp;<?php echo $row->last /*?> will be <?php echo $row->age + 1, ' on' ?><br /><?php echo $row->bwmd */?></td>
                  <td align="right" valign="bottom"><?php echo $row->sunsign ?></td>
                  <?php } ?>
    			<p><?php _e("You're Safe - No Birthdays coming up.") ?></p>
    // Prints out the birthdays for the current month
    function nbday_month()
    	global $nbday_tablename, $wpdb, $todaybmd, $thismonth;
      // get birthdays for the current month
      $sql = "SELECT first, last, birthday, age, sunsign, DATE_FORMAT(birthday, 'Dia %d/%m') AS nbirthday,
      DATE_FORMAT(birthday, '%d') AS bday FROM $nbday_tablename
      ORDER BY bday ASC ";
      $cmonth = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
      //echo '<div><h3>'.__('Upcoming Birthdays for '. $thismonth[0] . '' , 'nbday').'</h3></div>';
      //echo '<div><h3>'.__('Aniversariantes do m&ecirc;s de '. $thismonth[0] . '' , 'nbday').'</h3></div>';
    		if (!empty($cmonth) )
    			<table width="200px"border='0'>
    			foreach ($cmonth as $row)
    							if (substr($row->birthday,5,5) == $todaybmd[0])
    							<td align="left"><span style="color:#ff3300; font-size:16px; padding:10px;"><strong><?php echo $row->nbirthday ?></span><span style="color:#ff3300; font-size:16px;padding:2px;">- &nbsp;Hoje!</strong></span><br /><span style="color:#ff9900; font-size:20px;padding:0 0 5px 10px;"><?php echo $row->first ?>&nbsp;<?php echo $row->last ?></span><br /><br /></td>
    						<?php } else {  ?>
    						<td align="left"><span style="color:#333333; font-size:16px;padding:10px;"><?php echo $row->nbirthday ?></span><br /><span style="color:#ff9900; font-size:20px;padding:0 0 5px 10px;"><?php echo $row->first ?>&nbsp;<?php echo $row->last ?></span><br /><br /></td>
                  <td align="right" valign="bottom"><!--<?php echo $row->sunsign ?>--></td>
                  <?php } ?>
    			<p><?php _e("Não temos aniversariantes neste mês.") ?></p>
    		add_shortcode( 'niver', 'nbday_month' );
    /////////////////////////  Misc
    function nbday_todaybd() {
    	global $nbday_tablename, $wpdb, $today, $todaybirthday, $todaybmd, $thismonth;
    		// get today's date 0000-00-00
    		$today_md = mysql_query($sql);
    		// get today's birthday 0000-00-00
    		$sql = "SELECT birthday, first, last FROM $nbday_tablename WHERE birthday = SUBSTRING(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 6 HOUR),1,10) ";
    		$today_bd = mysql_query($sql);
    		// get today's date 00-00
    		$today_md = mysql_query($sql);
    		// get today's birthday 00-00
    		$sql = "SELECT SUBSTRING(birthday,6,5) FROM $nbday_tablename WHERE SUBSTRING(birthday,6,5) = SUBSTRING(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 6 HOUR),6,5) ";
    		$today_bd = mysql_query($sql);
        // get the current month
        $sql = "Select DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 6 HOUR),'%M')";
        $tmonth = mysql_query($sql);
    // Figures out what the sunsign is for the month-day passed and returns it
    function nbday_sunsign($sunsign)
    	global $whatsign;
    	// values for sun signs.  Capricorn is weird cause it stretches from one year to the next making if-this-than-that comparison clause a real bitch
    	$aquarius1 = '0120'; $aquarius2 ='0218'; $pisces1 = '0219'; $pisces2 = '0320';
    	$aries1 = '0321'; $aries2 = '0419'; $taurus1 = '0420'; $taurus2 = '0520';
    	$gemini1 = '0521'; $gemini2 = '0621'; $cancer1 = '0622'; $cancer2 = '0722';
    	$leo1 = '0723'; $leo2 = '0822'; $virgo1 = '0823'; $virgo2 = '0922';
    	$libra1 = '0923'; $libra2 = '1022'; $scorpio1 = '1023'; $scorpio2 = '1121';
    	$sagittarius1 = '1122'; $sagittarius2 = '1221';
    	$capricorn1 = '1222'; $capricorn2 = '1231'; $capricorn3 = '0101'; $capricorn4 = '0119';
    			// what sign is the entry
    			if ( $sunsign[0] >= $aquarius1 AND $sunsign[0] <= $aquarius2 )
    			{	$whatsign = 'Aquarius';	}
    			elseif ( $sunsign[0] >= $pisces1 AND $sunsign[0] <= $pisces2 )
    			{	$whatsign = 'Pisces';	}
    			elseif ( $sunsign[0] >= $aries1 AND $sunsign[0] <= $aries2 )
    			{	$whatsign = 'Aries';	}
    			elseif ( $sunsign[0] >= $taurus1 AND $sunsign[0] <= $taurus2 )
    			{	$whatsign = 'Taurus';	}
    			elseif ( $sunsign[0] >= $gemini1 AND $sunsign[0] <= $gemini2 )
    			{	$whatsign = 'Gemini';	}
    			elseif ( $sunsign[0] >= $cancer1 AND $sunsign[0] <= $cancer2 )
    			{	$whatsign = 'Cancer';	}
    			elseif ( $sunsign[0] >= $leo1 AND $sunsign[0] <= $leo2 )
    			{	$whatsign = 'Leo';	}
    			elseif ( $sunsign[0] >= $virgo1 AND $sunsign[0] <= $virgo2 )
    			{	$whatsign = 'Virgo';	}
    			elseif ( $sunsign[0] >= $libra1 AND $sunsign[0] <= $libra2 )
    			{	$whatsign = 'Libra';	}
    			elseif ( $sunsign[0] >= $scorpio1 AND $sunsign[0] <= $scorpio2 )
    			{	$whatsign = 'Scorpio';	}
    			elseif ( $sunsign[0] >= $sagittarius1 AND $sunsign[0] <= $sagittarius2 )
    			{	$whatsign = 'Sagittarius';	}
    			elseif ( $sunsign[0] >= $capricorn1 AND $sunsign[0] <= $capricorn2 OR $sunsign[0] >= $capricorn3 AND $sunsign[0] <= $capricorn4 )
    			{ $whatsign = 'Capricorn';	}
          return $whatsign;
    	Function Name: date_validate
    	Author: Eric Sammons, Vansam Software, Inc. (www.vansam.com)
    	Email: eric@vansam.com
    	Date: 2001-09-01
    	Version 1.0.0
    		Receives various date field formats, validates them, and then and
    		converts them to MySQL standard date format
    	Valid date fields:
    		dd-mm-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy/mm/dd
    		if valid input, the date in MySQL standard format
    		if invalid input, error message with "Error:" at the beginning of message
    	Sample Use:
    		if (substr($MySQLDate, 0, 5)=="Error") {
    			// Insert Error Code
    		} else {
    			// Insert Valid Date Code
    function ndate_validate ($datefield) {
    	// First check to see if the input ($datefield) is in one of the accepted formats
    	// Check for delimiters ("-" or "/") and put three fields into an array
    	if (strpos($datefield, "-")) {
    	  $datesplit = explode("-", $datefield);
    	} elseif (strpos($datefield, "/")) {
    	  $datesplit = explode("/", $datefield);
    	} else {
    	    $date_err="Error: Invalid date field. No proper delimiters (- or /) found";
    		return $date_err;
    	// Check for three input fields (month, day, year)
    	if (count($datesplit)>3) {
    	    $date_err="Error: Invalid date field. Too many fields (".count($datesplit).") found";
    		return $date_err;
    	// Put date array into single format
    	if (strlen($datesplit[2])==4) { // The year is listed last - switch fields around
    		$newdatesplit[0]=$datesplit[2]; // Move Year to first field
    		$newdatesplit[1]=$datesplit[0]; // Move Month to second field
    		$newdatesplit[2]=$datesplit[1]; // Move Day to third field
    	} elseif (strlen($datesplit[0])==4) { // The year is first listed - do nothing
    		// nothing to be done
    	} else { // Date entered is not valid; could not find year field
    		$date_err="Error: Date not valid. No Year field found (Year must be 4 digits)";
    		return $date_err;
    	// Main validation code
        if ($datesplit[1]>12) { // No valid month field
        	$date_err="Error: Invalid Month field (".$datesplit[1].") ";
    		return $date_err;
        } else {
           switch ($datesplit[1]) { // Check number of days in a month
               case 4:
               case 6:
               case 9:
               case 11:
                    if ($datesplit[2]>30) {
        				$date_err="Error: Invalid # of days (".$datesplit[2].") for month ".$datesplit[1]." and year ".$datesplit[0];
    					return $date_err;
               case 2: // February Check
    		   		if (($datesplit[0]/4)==(floor($datesplit[0]/4))) {
    					if (($datesplit[0]/100)==(floor($datesplit[0]/100))) {
    						if (($datesplit[0]==1600) or ($datesplit[0]==2000) or ($datesplit[0]==2400)) {
    							if ($datesplit[2]>29) {
    			    				$date_err="Error: Invalid # of days (".$datesplit[2].") for month ".$datesplit[1]." and year ".$datesplit[0];
    								return $date_err;
    						} else {
    							if ($datesplit[2]>28) {
    			    				$date_err="Error: Invalid # of days (".$datesplit[2].") for month ".$datesplit[1]." and year ".$datesplit[0];
    								return $date_err;
    					} else {
    						if ($datesplit[2]>29) {
    			    			$date_err="Error: Invalid # of days (".$datesplit[2].") for month ".$datesplit[1]." and year ".$datesplit[0];
    							return $date_err;
    				} else {
    					if ($datesplit[2]>28) {
    	    				$date_err="Error: Invalid # of days (".$datesplit[2].") for month ".$datesplit[1]." and year ".$datesplit[0];
    						return $date_err;
                    if ($datesplit[2]>31) {
        				$date_err="Error: Invalid # of days (".$datesplit[2].") for month ".$datesplit[1]." and year ".$datesplit[0];
    					return $date_err;
    		  // Add leading zero if month or day field is only one character
    	  if (strlen($datesplit[1])==1) {
    	  if (strlen($datesplit[2])==1) {
          // Create date field in MySQL format
    	  return $newdate;	
    } // End date_validate function
    // Replace plugin_basename() in WP, taken from <http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/4408>
    function nbday_plugin_basename ($file)
        $file = str_replace('\\','/',$file); // sanitize for Win32 installs
        $file = preg_replace('|/+|','/', $file); // remove any duplicate slash
        $file = preg_replace('|^.*/wp-content/plugins/|','',$file); // get relative path from plugins dir
        return $file;

    Se puder me ajudar eu agradeço!

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