• Essa é minha index >>>>>>

    /* —————————————————————————-
    the blog index template


    //set the template id, used to get the template specific settings – this was the old home.php template
    $template_id = ‘home’;

    //prepare the loop variables
    global $loop_module_id, $loop_sidebar_position;
    $loop_module_id = td_util::get_option(‘tds_’ . $template_id . ‘_page_layout’, 1); //module 1 is default
    $loop_sidebar_position = td_util::get_option(‘tds_’ . $template_id . ‘_sidebar_pos’); //sidebar right is default (empty)

    switch ($loop_sidebar_position) {
    case ‘sidebar_left’:
    echo td_page_generator::wrap_start();
    <div class=”span4 column_container”>
    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <div class=”span8 column_container”>

    echo td_page_generator::get_home_breadcrumbs();
    locate_template(‘loop.php’, true);

    echo td_page_generator::get_pagination();

    echo td_page_generator::wrap_end();

    case ‘no_sidebar’:
    //td_global::$load_featured_img_from_template = ‘art-slide-big’;
    td_global::$load_featured_img_from_template = ‘full’;

    echo td_page_generator::wrap_start();
    <div class=”span12 column_container”>

    echo td_page_generator::get_home_breadcrumbs();
    locate_template(‘loop.php’, true);

    echo td_page_generator::get_pagination();

    echo td_page_generator::wrap_end();

    echo td_page_generator::wrap_start();
    <div class=”span8 column_container”>

    echo td_page_generator::get_home_breadcrumbs();
    locate_template(‘loop.php’, true);

    echo td_page_generator::get_pagination();

    <div class=”span4 column_container”>
    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    echo td_page_generator::wrap_end();



    e essa é o código do template include da galeria metaslider >>>

    echo do_shortcode(“[metaslider id=104]”);


    me ajudem por favor…

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