Automatic Post Thumb – Imagem Padrão
Olá, estou usando o automatic post thumb e ele disponibiliza uma imagem padrão para quando não há nenhuma. só que eu quero que ele leia a imagem que eu coloco no post que fica dessa maneira: DE UM CUSTOM FIELD.jpg
vou postar a versão original e o que eu tentei fazer e ele não conseguiu ler:
<?php /* Plugin Name: Automatic Post Thumb Plugin URI: Description: The plugin generates a thumbnail from the first image uploaded to a post. Author: Devolux Version: 1.0 Author URI: */ function post_thumb() { global $id, $wpdb; //reading from database $image_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT guid, post_content, post_mime_type, post_title FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'attachment' && post_parent = $id && post_mime_type LIKE '%image%' ORDER BY ID ASC"); $first_image_data = array ($image_data[0]); //array output foreach($first_image_data as $output) { //if there is no description use title (filename) instead if (empty($output->post_content) == TRUE) {$output->post_content = $output->post_title;} //images if (substr($output->post_mime_type, 0, 5) == 'image') {echo "<img src=\"$output->guid\" alt=\"$output->post_title\" title=\"$output->post_content\" /> \n";} else {echo "<img src=\"".get_bloginfo ('url')."/wp-content/plugins/post_thumb/wp_default.png\" alt=\"default image\" title=\"$output->post_content\" class=\"post_img\" /> \n";} } } ?>
<?php /* Plugin Name: Automatic Post Thumb Plugin URI: Description: The plugin generates a thumbnail from the first image uploaded to a post. Author: Devolux Version: 1.0 Author URI: */ function post_thumb() { global $id, $wpdb; //reading from database $image_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT guid, post_content, post_mime_type, post_title FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'attachment' && post_parent = $id && post_mime_type LIKE '%image%' ORDER BY ID ASC"); $first_image_data = array ($image_data[0]); //array output foreach($first_image_data as $output) { //if there is no description use title (filename) instead if (empty($output->post_content) == TRUE) {$output->post_content = $output->post_title;} //images if (substr($output->post_mime_type, 0, 5) == 'image') {echo "<img src=\"$output->guid\" alt=\"$output->post_title\" title=\"$output->post_content\" /> \n";} else {echo "<img src=\"".get_post_meta($post->ID, 'isbn', true).".jpg\" alt=\"default image\" title=\"$output->post_content\" class=\"post_img\" /> \n";} } } ?>
vejam a area ELSE, echo img tal…
Se puderem me ajudar que isso funcione, isso é importante para eu postar o site. Obrigada!
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