微信跨境支付,支持PC扫码支付,支持退款,需要开通腾讯官方直连跨境商户,如需公众号支付,请购买企业版:Wechat Crossborder for WooCommerce
Features for Enterprise version:
- WooCommerce子插件,完美兼容
- 在WooCommerce添加Wechat Crossborder网关
- 支持汇率换算,需要手动设置汇率
- PC端支持微信扫码支付
- 适合任意WooCommerce主题
Support Mail:
- Mailbox:
Remove plugin
- Deactivate plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Delete plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
Capturas de tela
- Install WooCommerce plugin and configure your store (if you haven’t done so already –
- Install “Wechat Crossborder for WooCommerce” wordpress plugin just like any other WordPress plugin.
- Activate.
- Setup your weChat Crossborder merchant id, key, throuth Woocommerce -> Settings -> Payment Gateways -> WeChatPay.
You can apply wechat payment through - Currency set for the currency of your WeChat merchant.
Perguntas frequentes
- Q:如何判断我的微信支付是跨境支付?
- A:微信官方跨境支付登陆地址是:
- More questions please send a message to consulting
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Colaboradores e desenvolvedores
“Wechat Crossborder for WooCommerce” é um programa de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.
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Registro de alterações
- [Added] 优化结算页面显示效果
- [Added] 兼容WooCommerce 4.3.4
- 支持微信官方直连跨境支付