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Walee Tracking


Walee Tracking Plugin enables businesses to keep track of influencers’ performance on their campaign hosted on Walee . Plugin captures all the events including link clicks, page views, add to carts, checkouts, and order status update of all the traffic coming on businesses’ website via Walee and transmits that information back to Walee where influencers’ performance can be tracked with the help of interactive dashboards and graphs.


  • Captures link clicks and page views
  • Captures add to carts, checkouts, and order status updates on WooCommerce
  • Works with any theme
  • Communicates with Walee platform for performance tracking
  • Developer-friendly



From within dashboard (recommended)

  • Navigate to DashboardPluginsAdd New;
  • Search for Walee Tracking;
  • Click Install, then Activate.

Manual installation

  • Download the plugin as a .zip file;
  • Unzip downloaded archive and upload Walee Tracking folder under your /wp-content/plugins/ directory (resulted plugin path should be /wp-content/plugins/Walee Tracking/);
  • Navigate to Dashboard – Plugins and activate the plugin.

Perguntas frequentes

How this plugin works

Walee Tracking Plugin enables businesses to keep track of influencers’ performance on their campaign hosted on Walee

Will this plugin work with my theme?

Yes! Walee is designed to work with any theme, Sometimes, the plugin may not work properly because of javascript errors caused by third-party plugins/themes.

Where can I report a bug or suggest a feature?


Where can I get help?

Visit the Help Center. If you get stuck, report the problem at Support.


Não há avaliações para este plugin.

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“Walee Tracking” é um programa de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


  • Fixed issue in add to cart refresh
  • Fixed issue in sales capturing date
  • Fixed issue in order status update