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Track a click on Google Analytics


Are you using UTM Source to track link clicks within your website?

That’s a really bad idea! Not only will it create a new session with the links utm_source and inflate your visitor stats, it will also increase the bounce rate on the page you’re tracking.

So what’s the solution?

Use [event tracking] ( on Google Analytics which capture events like a link click into your Google Analytics Dashboard.

For e.g.
Download Free Ebook

But then the WordPress Visual Editor will keep cleaning out the onClick part, so we made a quick shortcode that would save you from the trouble of redoing the onClick part everytime it got cleaned out.

How does it work?

In place of an A href tag like <a onClick="ga('send', 'event', 'Downloads', 'Click', 'Ebook downloaded', '0');" href="">Download Free Ebook</a> use our shortcode [tac_ga url="" category="Downloads" action="Click" label="Ebook Downloaded"]Download Free Ebook[/tac_ga]

By default this shortcode uses the following information:
Category: link
Action: click
Label: The URL Entered

How do I check if this works

Google Analytics’ Real time tab will show you that these tags would or not.

Some cases in which this shortcode won’t work:
* You use Google Tag Manager to insert Google Analytics
* You use Monster Insights Plugin (Formerly Yoast’s Google Analytics Plugin) to install Google Analytics


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