Tag do plugin: Yelp
Reviews Feed – Adicione depoimentos e avaliações de clientes do Google Reviews, Yelp, TripAdvisor e muito mais
(13 total de classificações)Exiba as avaliações do Yelp e do Google de clientes reais de qualquer empresa em um feed limpo e personalizável em seu site.
(322 total de classificações)Combines all Facebook Recommendations, Google and Yelp Reviews in widgets and shortcodes! Boost user confidence, number of customers and sales on site …
Widget for Yelp Reviews
(43 total de classificações)Yelp reviews widget and shortcode! Shows Yelp business reviews on your WordPress website to increase user trust and SEO.
WP Yelp Review Slider
(21 total de classificações)Create a Yelp review slider! Allows you to easily display your Yelp business reviews in your Posts, Pages, and Widget areas.
Widget de revisão do Yelp
(10 total de classificações)Incorpore avaliações do Yelp rápida e facilmente no seu site WordPress. Aumente seu SEO, confiança e vendas usando avaliações do Yelp.
Reviews Block for Yelp
(23 total de classificações)The Review Block for Yelp makes it easy for you to display your Yelp reviews and business information on your WordPress website with a simple and intu …
Business Review Block – Pull customers reviews and display them anywhere.
(1 total de classificações)Simple and easy way to display your Google, Facebook and Yelp business reviews in your Posts and Pages.
Yelp Reviews Ticker
(7 total de classificações)Yelp Reviews Ticker is an easy to use widget that allows you to show your business yelp reviews.
Yelp Bar
(6 total de classificações)A powerful bar that shows Yelp Rating & Reviews at the top of any WordPress theme, provides instant credibility.
Trust Reviews plugin for Google, Tripadvisor, Yelp, Airbnb and other platforms
(0 total de classificações)Widget and shortcode for Google, Facebook, Tripadvisor, Yelp and other business reviews! Shows customer reviews on your WordPress website to increase …
Customer Reviews by Revukangaroo
(1 total de classificações)Revukangaroo allows you to funnel negative and positive reviews directly from your website.Take control of your online reputation!
Business Matchup
(1 total de classificações)This plugin will access the Yelp API and StrawPoll API to create polls based on a specific business category and city location that can then be shared …