Tag do plugin: workflow
AI Workflow Automation
(2 total de classificações)Transform your WordPress site with AI-powered automation for content, customer support, data analysis, research, and business processes.
(4 total de classificações)Easily transfer your content between your website and your EasyContent account. As simple as it can be – just install our plugin and you are all set!
Betaout ContentCloud
(3 total de classificações)Manage all your Wordpress sites and Editorial team from a single interface
Eight Day Week Print Workflow
(2 total de classificações)Optimize publication workflows by using WordPress as your print CMS
Post Revision Workflow
(0 total de classificações)Allows anyone editing a published page or post to draft changes before those modifications go public.
Organize Drafts
(0 total de classificações)Organize Wordpress Drafts with "Draft Types." Think of draft types as folders for sorting your drafts.
LH Inclusive Private Pages
(0 total de classificações)Extends the CRM possibilities for wordpress by allowing private posts/pages, and other CPt´s to be included in menus and also as the parent of other p …
Post Status Indicator
(0 total de classificações)Allow color customization in WordPress admin for the publish state of your content.
LH Logged In Post Status
(1 total de classificações)Allows you to restrict access to posts, pges etc to logged in users only.
AWEOS Dashboard Note
(0 total de classificações)Leave notes for everyone working on your website. Good for collaboration.
AdMinimal Bar – Minimize the Admin Bar
(0 total de classificações)AdMinimal Bar is designed to streamline your workflow and enhance productivity. With AdMinimal Bar, you can minimize the WordPress admin bar on the fr …