Tag do plugin: users
Auto WooCommerce Affiliate Account Creation
(2 total de classificações)Automatically create affiliate accounts for your WooCommerce users.
Bulk Password Reset
(6 total de classificações)Bulk Password Reset is a tool which can help you do a bulk password reset on all the users or just specific users within a category.
LH Buddypress Export Xprofile Data
(4 total de classificações)This plugin lets you export xprofile field data from BuddyPress, as CSV, for manipulation elsewhere..
Latest Registered Users
(2 total de classificações)Add a sortable columns to the users list to show last login date, registration date and also export users to csv file.
WP Frontend Profile
(8 total de classificações)WP Frontend Profile allows users to edit/view their profile and register/login without going into the dashboard to do so.
(11 total de classificações)Allows users to login or register by authenticating with an existing Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Github, Reddit (and more!) account via OAuth 2.0.
Multisite User Role Manager
(3 total de classificações)Manage user roles for each blog from a single screen on multisite (WPMU) setups
Kenzap Team Members
(2 total de classificações)A beautiful and easy customizable team member Gutenberg block for the new editor. Easily adjust the following parameters:
Magic Login Mail or QR Code
(2 total de classificações)Enter your email address, and send you an email with a magic link or QR Code to login without a password.
Team List
(7 total de classificações)Display your teammates anywhere on your WordPress site using this easy-to-use plugin.
WP-Orphanage Extended
(5 total de classificações)Plugin to promote users with no roles set (the orphans) to the role from other blog where they registered or to default if any found.
User Switcher
(7 total de classificações)A helper tool to help you switch between user account without logging in and out.
User Activity
(2 total de classificações)List number of posts per user. You can limit the search by date, post type and user name.
Import Members from CSV for Paid Memberships Pro
(2 total de classificações)Import and create user + PMPro member records from a CSV file on your WordPress with Paid Memberships Pro website. The plugin will import the membersh …
Affiliates Manager Simple Membership Integration
(0 total de classificações)Process an affiliate commission via Affiliates Manager after a Simple Membership payment
WP Online Users Stats
(3 total de classificações)This plugin enables you to display how many users are online, offline and away to main administrator of on your WordPress site.
Private User Notes
(3 total de classificações)Create a frontend private note section for users where they can save & edit their private notes. Users can print their private note with a single …