Tag do plugin: report
(0 total de classificações)Visualize the performance of the content in with TreeMap.
AJAX Report Comments
(1 total de classificações)AJAX Report Comments is a simple yet powerful add-on for any Wordpress blog, particularly larger blogs with a higher volume of user comments.
(5 total de classificações)ReWord – Make It Right! Allow your readers to help and report mistakes in your site.
Site Speed Monitor
(1 total de classificações)Site Speed Monitor allows you to monitor your website load times automatically while tracking it's performance.
SM – SQL logs
(1 total de classificações)Record and view all SQL queries that your WordPress is requesting. Browse formated and highlighted syntax queries for debug and speedup your site.
Integrate nekorekten.com for WooCommerce
(0 total de classificações)Integrate nekorekten.com for WooCommerce check customers for negative reviews, facilitates order checks and provide email alerts for negative reviews.
Product Cost Price
(0 total de classificações)Simple and variation product cost price option also provide profit report.
Product Quantity Report By Order for Woocommerce
(1 total de classificações)List and export product quantity report by each order at one place.
Test Reports
(2 total de classificações)Get templates with useful information to help you submit reports to WordPress.
(1 total de classificações)A plugin for managing activities, activity reports and communication with participants. Comes with WooCommerce integration.
MarcTV Moderate Comments
(2 total de classificações)Grants visitors the ability to report inappropriate comments and admins to replace and trash them in the frontend.
Misspelling Reporter
(5 total de classificações)Allows users to highlight misspelled text and report to the site/article admins. Inspired by #BeachPress 2013
Customer Reports Woocommerce
(0 total de classificações)View and export your best Woocommerce customers. Filter them by dates, country, name, …, and export in CVS or Excel.
System Report
(0 total de classificações)Quickly identify important aspects of your server, PHP, WordPress installation, theme and plugins
Graphical admin report
(2 total de classificações)This plugin will display the graphical report for admin about post count, user registration, comments posted activity.
BP System Report
(0 total de classificações)Records regular summaries of BuddyPress-related systemwide information
AZEXO Advertising Analytics
(0 total de classificações)This plugin collects data from CRM-system, advertising platforms and your website. With this data it generate reports on key business indexes.
DX Category Reports
(1 total de classificações)A simple plugin for building a content marketing report for each category per month.