Tag do plugin: gamipress
GamiPress – Button
(1 total de classificações)Add activity events based on button clicks generated by [gamipress_button]
GamiPress – Link
(2 total de classificações)Add activity events based on link clicks generated by [gamipress_link]
GamiPress – Multimedia Content
(0 total de classificações)Add activity triggers based on multimedia content creation and interaction
GamiPress – Leaderboards Include/Exclude Users
(0 total de classificações)Include or exclude specific users or roles on any leaderboard.
GamiPress – Reset User
(0 total de classificações)Reset all user earnings and logs from a single button.
GamiPress – WooCommerce Points Per Purchase Total
(0 total de classificações)Award points based on WooCommerce purchase's total.
GamiPress – Block Users
(2 total de classificações)Block users and roles from getting awarded through the GamiPress awards engine
GamiPress – BuddyPress Group Leaderboard
(0 total de classificações)Add a completely configurable tab on BuddyPress groups with a GamiPress leaderboard of group members
GamiPress – Activity by Category
(1 total de classificações)Setup activity triggers by post categories on GamiPress
GamiPress – LearnDash Group Leaderboard
(0 total de classificações)Automatically create a GamiPress leaderboard of LearnDash group members
GamiPress – Notifications By Type
(0 total de classificações)Set different notifications settings by type
GamiPress – LearnDash Points Importer
(0 total de classificações)Tool to migrate LearnDash user points to GamiPress points.
GamiPress – Conditional Emails Recipients
(0 total de classificações)Add custom recipients on conditional emails.
GamiPress – Transfers Notes
(1 total de classificações)Add a textarea on Transfers add-on forms where users can leave notes about their transfer.
GamiPress – BadgeOS Importer
(0 total de classificações)Tool to migrate all stored data from BadgeOS to GamiPress
Connect GamiPress to Discord
(1 total de classificações)Create a community of your Members by connecting your GamiPress Website to your Discord server.
GamiPress – PeepSo Group Leaderboard
(0 total de classificações)Add a completely configurable tab on PeepSo groups with a GamiPress leaderboard of group members
GamiPress – Easy Digital Downloads Points Per Purchase Total
(0 total de classificações)Award points based on Easy Digital Downloads purchase's total.
Extend GamiPress
(1 total de classificações)Extends the GamiPress Plugin for WordPress System Hooks