Tag do plugin: favicon
My Favicon
(0 total de classificações)Bluet My Favicon let you easely change the favicon of your site.
Site Icon Pro
(1 total de classificações)Site Icon Pro gives you full control over the exact icons and HTML used to display the favicon and app icons on your Wordpress site!
WordPress for My Clients
(2 total de classificações)This plugin allows you to customize WordPress by adding support to upload custom login logo, custom favicon & Apple touch icon and by hiding non e …
Opes Favicon
(1 total de classificações)Opes Favicon allows you to add and manage favicons & icons on your WordPress website.
Featured Favicons
(0 total de classificações)A plugin that uses the featured image in your posts as a favicon for
Alex Set Favicon
(2 total de classificações)Alex Set Favicon allows any user to easily set and update their favicon. See http://anthony.strangebutfunny.net/my-plugins/alex-set-favicon/ for help
WordPress/MU Favicon
(0 total de classificações)Adds a custom favicon to all WordPress/MU Blogs and Administration Panels! Originally based of the WordPress Admin Favicon Plugin by John Kolbert!
Vanilla Bean – Icon Setter
(2 total de classificações)Icon Setter (Iconifier) is a simple set-site-icon plugin for all devices.
WP Favicons plug-in
(0 total de classificações)BETA – Show Favicons in front of links in content, comments, widgets; scan pages, roots, google s2, geticons for favicons; apply image filters to favi …
Extra Options
(0 total de classificações)A collection of tweaks to improve your WordPress experience and your site’s performance.
Favicon Notifications
(1 total de classificações)Animate your favicon with animated notification badge.
Woocommerce favicon cart badge
(2 total de classificações)This plugin adds a custom favicon a badge showing the number of products that are in the shopping cart
azurecurve Multisite Favicon
(5 total de classificações)Allows each site in a network to set a distinct favicon.
(1 total de classificações)RainmakerMoxie (BETA-limited support) is an interactive sidebar widget. Enter an email address and it displays a photo, name, social links and more.
Favicon Images for Comments
(0 total de classificações)Favicon Images for WordPress Comments lets you add favicons next to your blog comments using the site URL of the commentator.
Network Favicons
(1 total de classificações)Allows blog owners to use a custom favicon just by uploading it to the root of their theme directory.
Easy Digital Downloads – Custom Favicon
(3 total de classificações)Adds a Custom updated favicon to Easy Digital Downloads. Displays how many items are in your cart in the favicon just like Gmail!
Karedas Favicons
(0 total de classificações)Adds corresponding favicon from Google Shared Stuff after every links in your posts.