Tag do plugin: democracy
Democracy Poll
(82 total de classificações)WordPress Polls plugin with multiple choice and custom answers. Works with cache plugins. Includes widget and shortcodes for posts.
WriteToThem Widget
(1 total de classificações)A widget which provides an entry point for mySociety's WriteToThem.com, now completely re-written.
Poll And Survey plugin
(1 total de classificações)This poll and survey plugin allows you to run any customized survey, poll or vote in your website. It could help you to get visitors/users openions ea …
Foodle Add-On for Democracy Poll
(0 total de classificações)Online polls (incl. mixed = check + radio) – use the flexible and interactive Doodle©-like front end options for display with voter categories.
We The People
(0 total de classificações)Easily embed White House petitions from We The People into your WordPress site via shortcodes and widgets.