Tag do plugin: debug
Debug Bar Post Meta
(1 total de classificações)Adds a post meta panel for displaying all of the post meta.
(1 total de classificações)Expose your local WordPress to the world. only work in your localhost
WP Developer Assistant
(1 total de classificações)A plugin by a WordPress developer for WordPress developers.
Debug Bar Remote Requests
(1 total de classificações)An add-on for the Debug Bar plugin that will log and profile remote requests made through the HTTP API
Environment & Debug Bar
(1 total de classificações)Display your environment and debug info in the toolbar.
Debug Assistant
(0 total de classificações)A handy tool for developers and users who build plugins or themes.
Wixiweb FirePHP Queries
(0 total de classificações)Use Firebug with FirePHP to analyze the SQL queries made by Wordpress. Ideal for development and avoid performance issues.
JSM Show Registered Shortcodes
(1 total de classificações)Simple and lightweight plugin to show all registered shortcodes under a "Registered Shortcodes" toolbar menu item.
Debug Log Viewer
(1 total de classificações)Effortlessly manage your WordPress debug.log. Features include email notifications, search, pagination, and error filtering for effective debugging.
Block Widgets Monster
(2 total de classificações)Quick and easy testing of multiple WordPress and/or WooCommerce block/legacy widgets. Not intended for production use.
Bulk Deactivate
(6 total de classificações)Bulk deactivate and activate WordPress plugins. Saves which plugins were deactivated.
PHP Console Log
(1 total de classificações)Log PHP variables and arrays to the web console in your browser via JavaScript's console.log(). No browser extensions required.
oik bwtrace
(1 total de classificações)Debug trace for WordPress, including ad hoc action hook and filter tracing.
Trigger Scheduled Events
(1 total de classificações)Trigger any scheduled event now instead of waiting until WP cron tells it to run. Handy for debugging.
Debug Bar Screen Info
(1 total de classificações)Show screen info of the current admin page in a new tab within the debug bar
Deprecation Checker
(2 total de classificações)Deprecation Checker simply scans your plugins, themes, and custom directories for deprecated functions.
Easy Error Reporting
(4 total de classificações)This simple plugin sets the error reporting level according to the user role. The script warnings and errors are hidden from subscribers and visitors …
Error Logs Emailer for WooCommerce
(1 total de classificações)Sends the previous day's WooCommerce fatal error log to specified email(s) using Action Scheduler.