Tag do plugin: community
Muun members directory
(0 total de classificações)Get an always up to date member directory for your community. A monthly subscription for Muun is needed.
Community by mooSocial – Social Network, Community
(0 total de classificações)Turn your Wordpress site to a powerful online community and see your business grow.
Simple AutoPOP
(0 total de classificações)A simple calendar that calls the EventUpon API to pull the next three events from the organizations you’ve selected!
WPSN: Instant Social Network
(0 total de classificações)Instantly and easily turn your website into a social network! Profile, Posts, Photos, Videos, Friends, Alerts – and more!
Plugin Name: Learnie
(0 total de classificações)Description: This plugin will allow the owner of the wordpress deployment to integrate community microlearning into their site.
Yunits for WP
(0 total de classificações)Integrate a Yunits Community with WordPress and vice versa.