Tag do plugin: blogroll
Link Manager
(33 total de classificações)Habilita o Gerenciador de Links que existiiu no Wordpress até a versão 3.5.
Eazy Enable Blogroll
(7 total de classificações)Eazy Enable Blogroll brings back the one and only WordPress Blogroll Feature, with nearly one click!
Link View
(11 total de classificações)Display a link-list or link-slider in a post or page by using a shortcode.
Better Blogroll
(1 total de classificações)Allows you to display a configurable number of random links from your Wordpress blogroll
SuperLinks v0.1
(0 total de classificações)SuperLinks is a sidebar widget that gives you greater control of displaying your links and blogroll.
Blogroll Links
(0 total de classificações)Blogroll Links displays a list of URL links and related info in a Post or Page on your Wordpress Blog. It is often used for tagged, social links.
VS Link Manager
(1 total de classificações)With this lightweight plugin you can display a set of links from the Link Manager.
Blogroll Widget with RSS Feeds
(1 total de classificações)Displays the recent posts of your blogroll links via RSS Feeds in a customizable sidebar widget
WP Social Blogroll
(2 total de classificações)WP Social Blogroll adds a social blogroll to your blog. It will follow and display all updates of the sites in your blogroll.
RSS Blogroll
(2 total de classificações)Sidebar widget that links to recent entries from RSS/Atom feeds.
Advanced Blogroll
(0 total de classificações)Advanced Blogroll Widget displays your bookmarks as you want. You can customize your blogroll.
Hierarchical Link Categories
(2 total de classificações)Convert WordPress' link categories to be hierarchical with this simple plugin.
Bookmarks Shortcode
(0 total de classificações)Creates shortcodes that will generate an unordered list of your WordPress links (bookmarks).
Open Link 图链
(2 total de classificações)Use [wp-openlink] to output all your Blogroll in a Page, with website screenshot thumbnail and clicks countable, no database altered or images storage …
Blogroll Links Page
(0 total de classificações)Outputs your blogroll links organized by categories into a post or page.
Blogroll Dropdown Links
(0 total de classificações)Place your blogroll as a dropdown list in a widget area
FAVIROLL – FAVIcons for blogROLL
(0 total de classificações)This plugin convert the favicon.ico from the blogroll sites into PNG images and save this in a local cache file. The conversion process works just on …
Display Links by Category
(0 total de classificações)A simple shortcode plugin for displaying links by category through custom fields.
Grouped Links Widget
(0 total de classificações)Grouped Links Widget can use an unlimited number of widget instances to group links by their associated link categories.
Rotating Links Widget
(0 total de classificações)This plugin add widget which displays random links on your website.