Tag do plugin: answer
Get answer
(0 total de classificações)A game where you can ask a question and get an answer to it. The answer is fictitious and shouldn’t be accepted a factual.
Init FAQ
(0 total de classificações)A Init Faq (Frequently Asked Questions) plugin is a simple and quick way to display faqs in your theme using shortcodes.
Accordion FAQ Builder
(0 total de classificações)This is an Accordion FAQ Builder plugin which helps you to create awesome, eye-catchy unlimited FAQ accordion.
FAQ & Knowledge Base Plugin
(3 total de classificações)Add a powerful FAQ & Knowledge Base on your WordPress Blog or Website. Powered by Casengo!
Wp Easy Survey
(0 total de classificações)Manage survey for making evaluation on post types in wordpress / Gestion de formulaire pour réaliser des audit sur les post type dans Worpress
(0 total de classificações)This plugin helps you to run survey on your WordPress site. Surveys are hosted on mysurveys.space.
Simple FAQ To The Website
(0 total de classificações)This plugin allows you to place the FAQ system to your website.
Quiz By Categories
(0 total de classificações)This plugin enable you to display quiz by category. Each category contain many questions. The system remember the user score and display it after each …