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Smart Search & Product Filter for WooCommerce – Searchanise


Smart Search and Product Filter from Searchanise is the all-in-one live search solution to improve your store’s conversion rate. Our clients report at least a 20% rise in conversion, with some reaching as much as 60% in just several months.

Our feature-packed product search and filter plugin for WooCommerce, trusted by over 14,000 brands (including CBS, Durex, Lonely Planet, Fossil, Media Markt, Decathlon, Himalaya Wellness, and Ergo Baby), aims to enhance your customers’ experience as it guides them through your website. Starting with:

Typing a search query

Your potential future customers have probably come to your site with at least a rough idea of what they want. Their first point of contact will thus be the search bar – and our advanced search engine has everything you might possibly need, such as:

  • Predictive search with typo autocorrection and synonyms
  • “Did you mean” suggestions
  • Site search both across products & site content
  • Personalized instant search results
  • In-search product previews

Navigating the search results page

After your visitors get to the search results page, they will likely need a way to narrow down the results. With our powerful filtering system, they can do that. We offer:

  • Both basic and product attribute filters. The former includes all the usual suspects (price, categories, manufacturer, etc.), while the latter can be set up to match specific product attributes.
  • Multiple smart filter selections.
  • Top and/or side advanced filters. Choose where you want your filters to be.
  • Customizable look and feel. Display your search filters as open or closed, and tinker with settings to deploy different looks

You will also be able to add View Details or Add to Cart button to your search results page’s products – and provide a snappy route to checkout.

Exploring products

We can further fuel your visitors’ interest in your goods via recommendations blocks. Our Upsell and Cross-sell widgets will help you out here.

Some of them are ready out of the box (like Customers Who Bought This Also Bought), while you can easily configure others. Just select a common denominator for the products you’d like to promote, name the resulting recommendation block, and choose a page where to insert it.

It gets even better

The list of our navigation features doesn’t end here. Our product filter & search widgets are fully customizable to blend in with your store’s theme; we help promote goods in-search and beyond via product merchandising rules, while our in-depth analytics will explain your customers’ behavior.

We are also integrated with other WordPress plugins, such as Weglot and Yotpo, and are a mobile-friendly bunch: our smart search and filters look just as good on smartphones as they do on laptops.

You can install the app in just one click – no coding skills required. Give it a whirl – the first 14 days are on us.


Our plans start at just $99 per year (a little over $8 a month, if an annual plan is chosen!) and we offer a 14-day trial period if you want to give the app a test run.

For more information on our paid plans, head over here. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email or live chat.

Live demo

Still not sure whether we are the right fit for you? Check how our app works in our demo store.

Feedback and support

Our support team is here for you round the clock, and you can easily chat to us on our website or via email at We guarantee we’ll get back to you within 360 minutes – but do check our extensive Documentation too: the odds are we’ll have a ready answer there.

We are social

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and never miss an important update again.

Capturas de tela

  • Use smart search with suggestions & spellcheck to guide shoppers.
  • Tweak our flexible filters for search results.
  • Ensure visitors see relevant results with our synonyms & redirects.
  • Increase order value with effective upsell & cross-sell features.
  • Leverage analytics to avoid giving no results to your customers.


NOTE: Before the installation, please check the version of your WooCommerce plugin. You can find it in your WordPress admin panel in Plugins > Installed plugins. If it’s 3.0.0 or higher, you’re good to go.

You can install Smart WooCommerce Search by Searchanise in 3 ways – two simple ways and the advanced one.

Through WordPress plugin search
It’s the easiest way. All you need to do is:
1. Log in to WordPress admin panel.
2. Go to Plugins > Add new and enter “Searchanise” into the search bar on the right.
3. Click Install now and wait a couple of seconds for the plugin to install.
4. Click Activate and the indexation of your store will start.
5. Searchanise is installed and you can go play with its settings. The control panel can be found at Products > Searchanise.

Through WordPress admin plugin upload
This one is pretty simple too. Just do the following:
1. Download the plugin zip archive by clicking the blue Download button above.
2. Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
3. Go to Plugins > Add new and click Upload plugin at the top.
4. Browse and select the “” archive you have downloaded earlier.
5. Click Install now and wait a second.
6. Click Activate plugin as the installation is done. Indexation of your store has started.
7. Now you can go to Products > Searchanise to start setting up the plugin you installed so easily.

Manually through FTP/SFTP
This method is a bit harder than the previous two. You may need it in case your provider has file restrictions that could prevent you from installing a plugin from the admin area. This is what you should do:
1. Download the plugin zip archive by clicking the blue Download button above.
2. Extract the archive to your computer. You’ll get a folder named “smart-search-for-woocommerce” with a bunch of files in it.
3. Open the FTP client on your computer and access your website with FTP/SFTP credentials. If you don’t have any, contact your hosting provider to obtain them.
4. Go to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your website and upload the folder you extracted at step 3 there.
5. Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
6. Go to Plugins > Installed plugins and find Smart WooCommerce Search by Searchanise. It’s already there!
7. Activate the plugin and the indexation starts.
8. Now go to Products > Searchanise and start setting your new plugin up.

Perguntas frequentes

Is there a free trial?

Sure! You’re welcome to try all the Searchanise Pro features for 14 days. No credit card needed.

Does Searchanise collect my private data?

Absolutely not. Searchanise collects only public data: product and category descriptions, prices, and page content. The only private thing we know about you is your email. Credit card payments are processed by PayPal or BlueSnap, secure payment gateways, so we never even see your credit card number.

How do I subscribe?

You can pay with a credit card or PayPal. Follow these simple instructions from our Documentation.

Can I pay for a full year ahead or make a one-time payment?

Yes, you can subscribe for Searchanise PRO yearly with 20% discount! Important note: yearly subscriptions can’t be refunded.

I have a problem! Where can I get help?

We’ve collected solutions for some common issues in our Documentation. If the answer’s not there, use the Feedback form in your Smart Search by Searchanise control panel to reach our support team.

In urgent situations, mention @searchanise on Twitter to speed up the investigation.

Can you add this one really useful feature?

We’ll be happy to! Please share your ideas with our support team via

Store products are not submitted to Searchanise for a long period of time, the search engine shows the status ‘No data imported’.

Check the cron settings of your store. You either do not have periodic cron jobs running at all, or cron schedule is too sparse.

There is something wrong with timestamps: the Last sync timestamp shown in the admin panel widget does not correspond to the real sync time.

Make sure you have the correct timezone set in WordPress. Otherwise, Searchanise falls back to the default timezone which is UTC.

Is the search supposed to replace the whole search module?

Searchanise replaces the built-in search and processes all search queries remotely. If, for some reason, Searchanise is not ready to process search requests (e.g. indexing in progress,) the default search is temporarily used. If Searchanise Smart Search does not work in your store, please contact us, we will investigate the case.


14 novembro, 2024
I have to say that after being a long term user of Searchanise, for which we use on 10 sites now, we never have that many issues at all, i recently had a question “not a problem” and reached out to there support once again, in 48 hours i have the solution and solved my query.Thanks once again for your super service Andrew & Sophia.
8 maio, 2024 1 resposta
Follow up: the problem was fixed after a couple of days. Better communication is needed. Original: Paid for subscription and now doesn’t work saying not paid. Support is terrible and doesn’t follow up
29 dezembro, 2023
I was looking for an ajax powered search plugin for a woocommerce store and came across this. It’s so powerful and displays the results in a great way. It also provides a product category listing page that replaces the existing one, with smart filters that are dynamically created based on the products attributes.We had an issue with indexing 300k products, and support helped us with the issue, despite later realising the issue was with server settings and not their plugin.Great product and team – highly recommended
11 outubro, 2023
This plugin in not compatible with Woocommerce’s HPOS and is useless in Woocommerce’s version 8.2 or higher. I have tried to work with them for over three months in getting to them to update it and nothing. They keep saying that they are working on it.
Leia todas as 42 avaliações

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“Smart Search & Product Filter for WooCommerce – Searchanise” é um programa de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


  • [!] – The plugin does not work if WordPress is not connected to a WooCommerce account. Fixed.


  • [+] – Filters integrated with WooCommerce blocks.
  • [+] – Implemented compatibility with High Performance Order Storage.
  • [~] – Updated Woo ID due to updates to Woo’s billing API.
  • [!] – The widget with type Related/Similar Products is not displayed. Fixed.
  • [!] – The widget with type Up-sells and Cross-sells is not displayed. Fixed.
  • [!] – Setting filters in fulltext search does not work. Fixed.


  • [~] – Update plugings code to WordPress standards.
  • [!] – Remove shortcodes from product descriptions.


  • [!] Deprecated warning “Required parameter $lang_code follows optional parameter $children_products in includes/queue/class-async.php on line 1310” is raised on PHP 8.0. Fixed.
  • [!] MySQL error “table wp_wc_se_settings doesn’t exist” occurs if table prefix is different from “wp_”. Fixed.
  • [!] Smarty navigation may work incorrectly if ‘WPBakery Page Builder’ is used. Fixed.


  • [+] Added indexation of custom field data.
  • [+] Flip on hover image is now supported in Searchanise widgets.
  • [+] Added pre-order labels in Searchanise widgets.
  • [~] Searchanise settings moved from Settings Searchanise to WooCommerce Settings Searchanise and admin panel moved from Products Searchanise to WooCommerce Searchanise.
  • [~] The Weglot integration can be enabled / disabled in the Searchanise admin panel.
  • [!] The “weight” attribute indexed incorrectly. Fixed.
  • [!] Deprecated notice appeared in PHP 8. Fixed.
  • [!] Indexation was broken if there was no any linked products in a group product. Fixed.


  • [+] The Smart Navigation feature added.
  • [+] Custom taxonomies are now supported.
  • [!] The search engine name was displayed incorrectly in the control panel if the integration with Weglot was enabled. Fixed.
  • [!] The PHP notice fixed.


  • [+] Searchanise is now integrated with the Weglot plugin.
  • [+] Feature images of pages and blog posts are now exported in Searchanise.
  • [+] Added the parameters for the Recommendation widgets.
  • [~] Added Full Personalization. The most viewed products are now displayed at the top of search results.
  • [~] The links to are now changed to
  • [~] Improved content processing of pages and blog posts – unnecessary tags and structures are now trimmed.
  • [!] Fixed compatibility with the Facet WP plugin.
  • [!] Fixed conflict of styles in the Searchanise control panel in WordPress 5.9.
  • [!] The min and max prices were not displayed correctly in the Searchanise widgets for all users of the Boost for WooCommerce plugin. Fixed.


  • [+] Added the “Use WordPress integrated JQuery version” plugin setting enabled by default. So Searchanise can now use the native WordPress’s JQuery in its widgets. This setting is available for WordPress v.5.6 or later.
  • [+] Added the notice about the necessity to start re-indexation after editing the “Hide out of stock items from the catalog” WooCommerce setting (WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory).
  • [~] Changed domain from to for Searchanise queries.
  • [!] Fixed logic of displaying the discount labels: the discount label was not displayed for grouped products.
  • [!] Fixed the “PHP Fatal error Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_items() on bool” error that appeared while deleting too old orders.


  • [~] The integration with the “qTranslate-X” plugin that is outdated was deleted.
  • [~] Plugin’s debug data available to developers was extended.
  • [~] The indexation algorithm and the discount labels showing were corrected for Grouped Products that consist of one Simple Product.
  • [!] After selecting a currency in the field that was added by the “Booster for the WooCommerce” plugin, the Searchanise widgets have stopped working. Fixed.
  • [!] After selecting by a logged-in user an additional currency in the field that was added by the “Booster for the WooCommerce” plugin, prices may have been imported incorrectly. Fixed.
  • [!] The plugin may not have worked on a Windows server. Fixed.
  • [!] The sort by relevance worked incorrectly if the “Out of stock to end” option is enabled. Fixed.
  • [!] After adding a product to the cart, the Instant Search widget may have stopped working in some cases. Fixed.
  • [!] Products without any Product Type (product_type) taxonomy term assigned were not being indexed. Fixed.


  • [+] Compatibility with WordPress 5.7 and php8 was added.
  • [+] New ‘Show Smart Search dashboard widget’ setting was added.
  • [+] Additional ‘se_get_product_image_pre’ and ‘se_get_product_image_post’ filters were added for third-party development.
  • [~] Functionality to update information about the plugin and Woocommerce versions was improved.
  • [!] Some products could be missing after import. Fixed.
  • [!] Blog post links may have been imported incorrectly. Fixed.
  • [!] 404 error may have occurred on the Search Results page. Fixed.
  • [!] Plugin failed to register in Searchanise in if Multisite mode was enabled. Fixed.
  • [!] ‘PHP Notice Undefined variable: home_block’ PHP notice may have appeared. Fixed.
  • [!] ‘Too few arguments to function SearchaniseInfo::getInfo()’ PHP error may have appeared in the”Info” tab on the Searchanise settings page. Fixed.


  • [+] Recommendation blocks were added.
  • [+] Ability to exclude specific pages and categories from indexation was added.
  • [+] WordPress 5.5.1 support was added.
  • [~] Search results widget style was corrected for default WordPress themes.
  • [!] URL was generated incorrectly when domain was changed. Fixed.
  • [!] Plugin conflicted with the “gift-wrapper-for-woocommerce” plugin. Fixed.
  • [!] Product attributes in Chinese and having some special characters didn’t work. Fixed.
  • [!] PHP error may have occurred during plugin installation. Fixed.
  • [!] Pagination may have not worked in the Search result widget. Fixed.


  • [+] Add to cart button was added to the Search results widget.
  • [+] Indexation of blog posts was added.
  • [!] A new search engine was created if the default language was changed. Fixed.
  • [!] Product price for grouped products was calculated as 0 in some cases. Fixed.
  • [!] Products were not excluded from indexation in some cases even if their tags were mentioned in the “Exclude products with these tags” option. Fixed.
  • [!] JavaScript error “Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list” occurs if single quotes were used in the “Search input jQuery selector” option.
  • [!] Checkboxes were not displayed correctly in the Searchanise admin page in WordPress version 5.3.2 and later. Fixed.
  • [!] Indexation stopped if wc_get_product() function didn’t return information for product. Fixed.
  • [!] Product variants which include special symbols were not indexed. Fixed.
  • [!] Product filter didn’t work if it contents ‘&’ symbol. Fixed.


  • [+] Analytics Dashboard was added
  • [~] Site search input in the admin panel was removed from search query selector
  • [~] Search result page was excluded from search results list on the frontend
  • [!] PHP Error could occur when search result page was updated. Fixed


  • [+] Added ability to exclude products from indexation by specifying their tags.
  • [+] Added ability to display currency symbol after price value.
  • [!] Automatic registration didn’t work if Searchanise and Woocommerce plugins were activated at the same time. Fixed.
  • [!] PHP-Notice occurred if plugin debug was enabled. Fixed.


  • [+] Full-text search was added.
  • [+] Additional “By date” and “Bestselling” sortings were added for WooCommerce Search results widget.
  • [+] Translation .pot file was added.
  • [~] Pluging code was refactored.
  • [~] Plugin settings were refactored.