Este plugin não foi testado com os 3 lançamentos principais mais recentes do WordPress. Ele pode não ser mais mantido ou suportado e pode ter problemas de compatibilidade quando usado com versões mais recentes do WordPress.

Really Simple Series


Other Series plugins create a custom taxonomy where each series is a term. Most people probably don’t need a new taxonomy. Really Simple Series lets you turn any category into its own series with the click of a checkbox.

To turn on a series, you simple go to the edit category screen and check the box to enable Really Simple Series. Once you do, the plugin will automatically reverse the order of all posts in that category so that the oldest show up first. It will also automatically insert a list of all posts in the series at the bottom of each post in that category / series.


You just have to click within the edit category screen to enable a series. There are no other options. There is a shortcode available called
[rsseries cat=”148″], where “148” is a specific category ID, that can be used to display a series of your choice. Do not use the [rsseries] shortcode without a category parameter, or it may show all of your blog posts.

Capturas de tela

  • Default display of a series at the bottom of a post
  • Edit category screen to enable a category for a series


Use the automatic installer within your WordPress dashboard. You can also download it and upload the unzipped folder to your plugins directory via FTP.

There is no configuration of this plugin. Just activate, enable a category for Really Simple Series, and enjoy.

Perguntas frequentes

Why does this require WordPress 3.4?

There are no known conflicts with older versions of WordPress, but really you should never be behind on major releases.


Não há avaliações para este plugin.

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“Really Simple Series” é um programa de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


Initial Release