Este plugin não foi testado com os 3 lançamentos principais mais recentes do WordPress. Ele pode não ser mais mantido ou suportado e pode ter problemas de compatibilidade quando usado com versões mais recentes do WordPress. – An offline payment gateway


This plugin allow you to accept payments using PayPal.Me link or PayPal Email. User can place order on your site and can pay using PayPal. Simplest way to collect payment directly using PayPal and gain user engagements with easy checkout.Please note that this is an offline payment gateway which add the easyness to the payment process and help to generate more orders and collect user’s information which can be also used for marketing purpose.

Capturas de tela

  • PayPal.Me admin panel settings.
  • Pay with PayPal.Me option on checkout page.
  • PayPal.Me details on order recieved page.
  • Order placed using Paypal.Me Payment method( Order status will be On-hold ).


  1. Upload folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Goto woocommerce->settings->checkout->
  4. Provide required information and enable PalPal ME Gateway.
  5. Collect payment using PayPal.Me link or PayPal Email.


29 maio, 2020 1 resposta
Got a question default payment is dollar is there a possibilty to change that to euro?
13 janeiro, 2017
Unique and alternative offline payment solution using PayPal. Really useful and good choice for offline payment solutions. If anybody who would like an offline payment solution using PayPal, this is good, go for it.
13 janeiro, 2017
I have created this pulgin to get a payment easily using PayPal.Me link. Hope it will be helpful to other.I am open for suggestions to make this plugin better.#Peace
Leia todas as 3 avaliações

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“ – An offline payment gateway” é um programa de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.
