Este plugin não foi testado com os 3 lançamentos principais mais recentes do WordPress. Ele pode não ser mais mantido ou suportado e pode ter problemas de compatibilidade quando usado com versões mais recentes do WordPress.

Monitor Pages


Sends e-mail notifications to a configurable list of addresses when Pages are published, scheduled, or modified. People on the notification list will know what page changed, and in what way it changed (e.g. updated, published, scheduled, trashed, etc).

Capturas de tela

  • The Manage Page Notifications screen


  1. Upload the monitor-pages folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory

  2. Activate the “Monitor Pages” plugin in your WordPress administration interface

  3. Go to Pages → Manage Notifications as an Administrator to get started

Perguntas frequentes

When are people notified?

Depends on your setting. With the “published or scheduled” setting, they’ll be notified when a Page transitions to published or scheduled from a different status. With the “published, scheduled, or modified” setting, they’ll be notified when a Page transitions to or from published or scheduled status, including published-to-published statuses (i.e. updates to published posts).


Não há avaliações para este plugin.

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“Monitor Pages” é um programa de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


  • Add a filter, so people can further restrict notifications


  • Better encapsulate the compat code


  • Fixed a bug where the title wasn’t showing up in the message body
  • Added a page link to the message body


  • submit_button() and get_submit_button() back compat, for WordPress 3.0.x


  • esc_textarea() back compat, for WordPress 3.0.x


  • Initial version