Este plugin não foi testado com os 3 lançamentos principais mais recentes do WordPress. Ele pode não ser mais mantido ou suportado e pode ter problemas de compatibilidade quando usado com versões mais recentes do WordPress.

LH Browser Shots


This plugin allow you to grab a screenshot of a remote url and save into your own word press media library.


  • Uses the ‘mshots’ functionality to automatically take screenshots of websites..
  • Automatically adds the screenshot to the WordPress media library
  • Redirects you to the edit screen once the screenshot is in the media library.
  • Once the bookmarklet is installed you don’t even need to copy and paste a url (just navigate to the site you wish to screenshot and select the bookmark).


  1. Upload the entire lh-browser-shots folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Media->Add Browser Shot to add screenshot or use the bookmarklet.

Perguntas frequentes

Why does this plugin sometimes capture a pending GIF?

The WordPress MShots api takes a little time to generate a browser screenshot.As an interim it will return a pending image. IUf the image has not been generated the pending image will be downloaded by this plugin. To get the real screen shot try again and the screenshot should be ready.


18 outubro, 2016 1 resposta
Good Idea, but all browser shots are broken in the media lib
Leia a 1 avaliação

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“LH Browser Shots” é um programa de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações

1.00 May 06, 2016
Initial release.

1.01 June 22, 2016
Translation ready.

1.02 May 01, 2017
Code improvement.

1.03 August 01, 2017
Moved download to separate class.

1.04 August 05, 2017
Upgraded copy file class.

1.05 October 08, 2017
Updated remote upload class

2.00 July 28, 2022
Major overhaul