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iPhone Control Panel


The iPhone Control Panel Plugin allows you to easily configure how iPhones and iPod touches “see” your site. It gives you the ability to add custom css, a home screen bookmark icon, change the viewport, or even redirect iPhones and iPod touches to a different url.


– I tried to fix an error some users experienced on the iPhone Control Panel admin page within WordPress.

– This plugin has been heavily rebuilt to finally eliminate the redirect issues that plagued the last couple versions.
– It has been tested to WordPress 2.85
– The code inserted in wp-head is less bloated
– CSS is no longer saved into an external css file

– Further improvements to redirect script.

– Further improvements to redirect script.

– Corrected redirect script to be compatible with WordPress 8.4

– fixed bug so that the redirect works correctly

– fixed bug that now allows the plugin to be automatically upgraded through wordpress.
– added screenshot


Installing iPhone Control Panel is very easy and does not require any template modification. Just follow these steps :

  1. Upload the folder ‘/iPhone_Control_Panel/’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Click on “settings” and you should see a iPhone Control Panel link. Click this and follow the directions to customize your iPhone settings.

Be sure to save any custom css that you have entered in the iPhone Control Panel before you upgrade it. After you upgrade you will not be able to see your old custom css, so be careful when upgrading.

Perguntas frequentes

How do I contact someone about this plugin?

Use the contact form found at


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Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“iPhone Control Panel” é um programa de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.
