Este plugin não foi testado com os 3 lançamentos principais mais recentes do WordPress. Ele pode não ser mais mantido ou suportado e pode ter problemas de compatibilidade quando usado com versões mais recentes do WordPress.

CSS Flags library


The CSS Flags plugin / library for WordPress loads a dynamicaly created CSS with responsive flags.

Note: CSS Flags is not a standalone plugin/library, To display the flags you will have to add code to your theme using your own plugin or theme functions.php

You can view the flags at my site

Sample CSS:

.css-flag.sami {
    background-image: url('');
    height: 100%;
    width: 134.666666667%;
    background-size: 100% 100%;
.css-flag.sami-landscape {
    height: 100%;
    width: 134.666666667%;
.css-flag.sami-portrait {
    height: 74.2574257426%;
    width: 100%;


The total CSS file size is 4 MB, and you don’t want to send all that data back to the users, so you must use one of the following filters in your plugin or theme.

css_flags_countries: Load flags for one or more countries

add_filter('css_flags_countries', function() {
    return array('no'); // Array with ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 country codes:

css_flags_regions: Load the flags for one or more regions. You can choose between europe, oceania, africa, asia, northamerica, southamerica and middleeast.

add_filter('css_flags_regions', function() {
    return array('europe'); //europe, oceania, africa, asia, northamerica, southamerica, middleeast

css_flags_exclude: Exclude some countries from the list. This filter must be used in combination with the css_flags_countries or css_flags_regions filters

add_filter('css_flags_exclude', function() {
    return array('eu');

css_flags_cachetime: Change the cache time, default it’s 7200 (60x60x2 = 2 hours)

add_filter('css_flags_cachetime', function() {
    return 172800; // 2 days

If you must (but you shouldn’t), you can load all the CSS flags using the following:

add_filter('css_flags_countries', function() {
    return array('all'); // load all country flags (don't it's 4MB)

More information at GitHub


The original CSS file is from If you only need the CSS file, grab it there.



  1. Download the latest stable release
  2. Add and activate it. This will load the CSS (4 MB) and cache it using the WordPress Transients API. The default cache time is 7200. The cache time can be changed using the css_flags_cachetime filter.
  3. Add one of the filters, see Usage above, to your plugin or (child) themes functions.php


  1. Extract the plugin in your (child) theme folder:
  2. Add the following to your (child) theme functions.php

    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/css-flags/css-flags.php');
  3. Add one of the filters, see Usage above, to your (child) themes functions.php

To get you started, here’a a sample theme functions.php


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Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“CSS Flags library” é um programa de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


  • NOTE You need to update your code, all filters have changed (changed dash to underscrore): css_flags_countries, css_flags_regions, css_flags_exclude and css_flags_cachetime.


  • Tested & found compatible with WP 4.7.


  • Tested & found compatible with WP 4.6.


  • Update plugin to WordPress Coding Standards.


  • Added uninstall.php, which removes transients and options when you uninstall the plugin



  • Rewrote the plugin


  • Added the Sami flag


  • Added CSS prefix .css-flag


  • Initial release