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TablePress Extension: Chartist


Using Chartist.js, this TablePress Extension creates a responsive chart based on the data in a TablePress table.


Add the Shortcode [table-chart id=123 /] to a post or page to create a chart from the TablePress table 123.

Optional parameters:

  • Show/hide chart line: showline=true (default: true)
  • Show/hide show chart area: showarea=false (default: false)
  • Set chart y low: low=0 (default: table low)
  • Set chart y high: high=10 (default: table high)
  • Set line with of the donut chart: donut_width=200 (default: false)
  • Enable/disable smooth line: linesmooth=true (default: true)
  • Enable/disable line points: showpoint=true (default: true)
  • Enable/disable horizontal bars: horizontal=true (default: false)
  • Enable/disable stacked bars: stack=true (default: false)
  • Set chart aspect ratio: aspect_ratio=3:4 (default: 3:4) Alternatives: 1, 15:16, 8:9, 5:6, 4:5, 3:4, 2:3, 5:8, 1:1.618, 3:5, 9:16, 8:15, 1:2, 2:5, 3:8, 1:3, or 1:4
  • Select chart type: chart=bar (default: line) Alternatives: line, bar, pie, donut, percent or piepercent (mix of pie and percent).
  • Set label offset: label_offset=100 (default: false)
  • Set chart padding: chart_padding=100 (default: false)
  • Use animations (not available for all chart types): animation=buildup (default: false)

If the “Table Head Row” option is enabled for the table, the Extension will use the head row data for the chart labels.
The other rows will be shown as lines or bars. Pie or percent charts will only use the first data row. Percent charts will ignore the header row.

CSS customizations

If you’d like to overide the default style, you can add a tablepress-chartist-custom.css in wp-content directory. It will be loaded after the Extension’s default CSS file libdist/chartist.min.css.


 * SVG Shape CSS properties:

/* First line / bar is .ct-series-a, next is .ct-series-b etc. */
.ct-chart .ct-series.ct-series-a .ct-bar,
.ct-chart .ct-series.ct-series-a .ct-line,
.ct-chart .ct-series.ct-series-a .ct-point  {
    stroke: #073DA0;

.ct-series .ct-line, .ct-chart .ct-bar {
    fill: none;
    stroke-width: 10px;

.ct-chart .ct-point {
    stroke-width: 10px;
    stroke-linecap: round;

Capturas de tela

  • [table-chart id=1 /]
  • [table-chart id=1 showarea=true /]
  • [table-chart id=1 showarea=true linesmooth=false /]
  • [table-chart id=1 linesmooth=false showpoint=false /]
  • [table-chart id=1 showarea=true showline=false showpoint=false /]
  • [table-chart id=1 low=0 high=8 /]
  • [table-chart id=1 chart=bar /]
  • [table-chart id=1 chart=pie /]
  • [table-chart id=1 chart=percent /]


Prerequisite (install first): The TablePress plugin

  1. In Plugins->Add New, search for tablepress chartist
  2. Click Install Now
  3. When the plugin is installed, activate it.


21 abril, 2022 2 respostas
Simple and quite flexible way to save needing to import images from Excel or some other solution. Eliminates a complex process if data is updated. Note there is a patch needed, with the code in support section, but I am considering updating for my own use and will share patched version if anyone is interested in avoiding touching code.
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Registro de alterações


  • Fixed error when opening the page in the backend. (Thanks to andrewleonard)


  • Updated chartist.js to 0.11.0


  • Added support for pie charts with percent labels
  • Added animation for bar charts.
  • Added parameters label_offset, chart_padding and donut_width.


  • Added support for horizontal bars (horizontal=true)
  • Added support for stacked bars (stack=true)
  • Added simple animation for line charts
  • Merged “Addition of donut chart type #1” by shaharhesse


Switch to [table-chart] Shortcode.


  • Revert to PHP json_encode().


  • Breaking change: Simplified optional parameters (removed prefix chartist_), new optional parameters are: showline, showarea, low, high, linesmooth, showpoint and aspect_ratio. See examples in screenshots.
  • Added support for chart=pie and chart=percent.


  • Added support for bar chart: chartist_chart=bar.


  • 0.3 Added support for CSS customizations.


  • Added more optional parameters.


  • Initial release