Este plugin não foi testado com os 3 lançamentos principais mais recentes do WordPress. Ele pode não ser mais mantido ou suportado e pode ter problemas de compatibilidade quando usado com versões mais recentes do WordPress.

BuddyPress Activity Stream Bump to Top


This plugin has been updated for BuddyPress 1.5.1

This plugin will “bump” an activity record to the top of the stream when an activity comment reply is made.

The original date_recorded is appended to the time_since filter with an additional class named: time-created. Both timestamps are displayed within the activity stream meta div

Related Links:

Extra Configuration

add a filter to bp_activity_bump_time_since (date_recorded, $bumpdate, $content)


  1. Upload the full directory into your wp-content/plugins directory
  2. Activate the plugin at the plugin administration page
  3. Adjust settings via the Activity Bump admin page

Perguntas frequentes

How do I exclude a certain activity type from being bumped?

The wp-admin screen for this plugin allows you to exclude certain activity types from being bumped.

How does it work?

When a new comment is posted to an activity record – this plugin will copy the original date_recorded to the activity_meta table. The main activity date_recorded is then overwritten with the last activity comment reply date.

I really do not like it and want my old dates back

Have no fear – you can revert the dates back to the original date_recorded via the plugin’s admin page. Perform this action before uninstalling.

My question isn’t answered here

Please contact me on


3 setembro, 2016 3 respostas
This is a great plugin but has not been updated for a long time. Buddypress should incorporate this functionality as part of its core
Leia todas as 2 avaliações

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“BuddyPress Activity Stream Bump to Top” é um programa de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


  • BUG: fix network admin settings page on multisite
  • FEATURE: support for locale mo files


  • FEATURE: Restrict activity bump to certain users (site admins, all members, or wp_cap level)
  • BUG: updated for bp 1.5.1


  • Added filter bp_activity_bump_time_since to time-since output
  • Added ‘updated’ string next to bump timestamp


  • Plugin released


  • First bp hack version