Este plugin não foi testado com os 3 lançamentos principais mais recentes do WordPress. Ele pode não ser mais mantido ou suportado e pode ter problemas de compatibilidade quando usado com versões mais recentes do WordPress.

BP Lotsa Feeds


BP Lotsa Feeds adds a whole bunch of RSS feeds to your installation of BuddyPress. The following feeds are included with BP Lotsa Feeds (followed by the URL pattern where the feeds can be found):


  • Networkwide comments by an individual member (/members/username/activity/comments/feed)
  • Networkwide blog posts by an individual member (/members/username/activity/blogposts/feed)
  • Activity updates by an individual member (/members/username/activity/updates/feed)
  • An individual member’s friendship connections (/members/username/activity/friendships/feed)
  • Forum topics started by an individual member (/members/username/activity/forumtopics/feed)
  • Forum replies by an individual member (/members/username/activity/forumreplies/feed)
  • All forum activity by a member (a combination of the previous two feeds) (/members/username/activity/forums/feed)


  • A group’s activity updates (/groups/groupname/updates/feed)
  • New forum topics in a given group (/groups/groupname/forumtopics/feed)
  • Forum replies in a given group (/groups/groupname/forumreplies/feed)
  • All forum activity in a given group (a combination of the previous two feeds) (/groups/groupname/forums/feed)
  • A group’s new members (/groups/groupname/membership/feed)


  • Individual forum topic posts (/groups/groupname/forum/topic/topicslug/feed)

You can make any of these feeds inaccessible by defining the corresponding DISABLE constant in plugins/bp-custom.php or wp-config.php, e.g.
See bp-lotsa-feeds.php for the proper constant names.

Hooks and filters are in place so that you can add custom feeds and feed templates.

Follow the plugin’s development at


  1. Activate the plugin from the plugins screen
  2. That’s it


Não há avaliações para este plugin.

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“BP Lotsa Feeds” é um programa de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


  • Initial release